Following my recent post here is what I found.
There was no hardware problem - all checked out OK except for the TXD pin which was hi - this is not a fault as it toggles hi - lo with data and can be checked with a 'scope.
Thanks to Don for the very useful info that if you have a terminal programme (Hyperterm ) running on the KIO2 and you go to the 'PORT ON' menu and then press 'DISPLAY' , the K2 sends 'FAxxxxxxxxxxx' to the port (where x...xx - 11 of them, is the freq info on VFO A) .
My problem was a software problem with the logging and control programmes I run on KIO2. It seems that it is possible to write to the KIO2/K2 in such a way (FA and IF commands) that the KIO2 does not appear to function, probably something to do with timing?. Initially I was not able to reset the KIO2 by merely turning the K2 off and on. But after I used the test above the K2 reset and the KIO2 worked perfectly.
So if you have this problem I would try the above first before getting the screwdriver out.
I see today that someone else had the same problem - hope this helps
73 and thanks again to Don and Lyle for the suggestions
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