KIO2: set 'Port' to 'Off' when not in use?

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KIO2: set 'Port' to 'Off' when not in use?

Is there any advantage (i.e. save power) in switching the IO-port off when
not in use?
Any other reason not to leave it 'On' forever once the KIO2 is installed?

Just curious.

Bart de PA3GYU

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Re: KIO2: set 'Port' to 'Off' when not in use?

Don Wilhelm-3

I you could turn the PORT to OFF if you wanted to assure the inadvertent
communications with the computer could not take place.  There is no power
savings that I am aware of.

I never turn mine off, and have not had any problems.


----- Original Message -----

> Is there any advantage (i.e. save power) in switching the IO-port off when
> not in use?
> Any other reason not to leave it 'On' forever once the KIO2 is installed?
> Just curious.
> Bart de PA3GYU

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