KPA-100 CaltPA?

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KPA-100 CaltPA?

I have a question concerning the KPA-100 and temperature issues.

Took the rig to VP2VVV during cq ww cw contest in Nov. Ambient shack temp
was between 70 and 85 degrees F.

We were running big pileups @40 wpm during late afternoon on Sat and boy did
the top of the rig get hot! Later that evening when tempo slowed down, was
doing S&P on 80 and 40 and had one last big run around 11pm. Shut the rig
down for some sleep and other op got up around 2am and rig would not auto
tune (using long wire thru KAT-100) and he could only run rig below 10w.
That pretty much shut us down til I got up and hooked up spare FT897 but by
then we had picked up some knarly line noise and we pulled the plug and
played watersports w/YLs.

At first I thought that I had not effectively tightened down the PA thermal
pads but after sending email to Mr. Don, W3FPR, he suggested looking at the
CALtPA. I found that it had "reset" itself to 255C! Once I set the temp to
30C, everything worked fine.

My question is:

Why did the rig jump up to 255C? Any thoughts and has anyone else
experienced the same thing?




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Re: KPA-100 CaltPA?

Jim Brown-10
On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 04:29:54 -0800, TMorton wrote:

>Why did the rig jump up to 255C? Any thoughts and has anyone else
>experienced the same thing?

Yes, this is a well known problem that I've experienced a half-dozen
times at least, and documented to Wayne. A real PITA when it leaves
you in the lurch and you don't know why or how to fix it, as it did
you. With me, it has happened when the rig cooled off from sitting
next to my open window with a cold winter breeze blowing on it.

Jim Brown  K9YC

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