KPA 100

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KPA 100

HI all.

I'm doing the test and alignment on the KPA 100. My trouble starts when
I try the SWR bridge null adjustment. No matter what I do with C1 I
can't get a 1.0-1 indication on the K2 LCD. When I adjust C1 the
indicated power out swings from low to high but the SWR doesn't change
at all.

Also, I'm using the dummy load in my MFJ-949E on the bypass side of the
tuner switch. I don't see a corresponding change in power out while
adjusting C1.

I've checked D16 and D17 and both are installed correctly. i've also
checked around T1 and R21 and R22 for signs of trouble but don't see

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


R. Kevin Stover ACØH

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