KPA100 Bias Setting

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KPA100 Bias Setting

Howard W. Ashcraft
The KPA100 manual indicates that the current during bias setting will rise and that you should set the bias level based on current draw when you initially push "tune", not when the current level settles.  On my KPA100, the current level rises very quickly after pressing "tune" making it difficult to determine what the "initial" value was.  Repeating the measurement many times arrived at a setting when the rig was placed in "tune" that was relatively close to my calculated value.  However, it was a touchy setting.

One probably doesn't need to get a bias setting perfect, because you are trying to place the bias +- signal in the linear range on the transistor, but I would like to assure that my experience on bias setting is normal for KPA100s.  BTW, the K2/100 works fine at all power levels and gets good signal reports.

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