On page 41 of the manual for the KPA100 is a
resistance table. I have some readings I would like
to inquire about.
Q1 & Q2 collectors should be >10k. My readings start
at several megohms and after 30 + seconds it slowly
falls to about zero ohms. If I put the DMM on auto
ohms once it reaches zero it climbs back to near the
200K ohm range and then drops back to zero and
repeats. I realize part of this is a change in
voltage caused by a change in range in the auto
function. If I reverse the leads the reading rises to
something over 100k ohms and remains steady there. My
concern is that it falls to zero ohms. Is this too a
function of the meter or does it indicate a problem?
Q1 & Q2 base should be 12-16 ohms. My readings are
about 11.8 to 12.0 ohms. I'm presuming this is okay.
Please let me know if my assumption is wrong.
BTW, initially Q9 tab was reading zero ohms. Found it
was tilted into the back panel. I ended up having to
twist it about 15 degrees to clear the panel.
Repositioning thru desoldering did not help enough.
Maybe need a caution in the manual.
Thanks for the help everyone.
Jim, AB0UK
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