KPA100 Shields

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KPA100 Shields

Kent Haase
I've received two very helpful hints to help me determine which is the old
KPA100 shield and which came with the Shield Upgrade Kit:

    "The new shield should have holes in it to accept the three added
grounding clips."
    "Hold the two up together - the one that is larger on several edges is
the 'new and inproved' shield - discard the smaller one."
(Thanks Tom and Don)

However, aside from the "pattern" on the shields (the crystallization
pattern of the galvanization? - on one it is much finer than the other), the
size of the shields and number and placement of holes is _exactly_ the same.

Any other ideas?  Perhaps they are both 'new and improved'.

s/n 2673

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Re: KPA100 Shields

Don Wilhelm-3

Count the holes - if there are 10 holes, then it is the newer shield.  There
is only a difference in the size at one corner - the corner that covers the
RF output jack.

The 'placement' of the original 7 holes is unchanged - 3 holes were added to
the newer shield to accomodate the grounding clips.


----- Original Message -----

> I've received two very helpful hints to help me determine which is the old
> KPA100 shield and which came with the Shield Upgrade Kit:
>    "The new shield should have holes in it to accept the three added
> grounding clips."
> and
>    "Hold the two up together - the one that is larger on several edges is
> the 'new and inproved' shield - discard the smaller one."
> (Thanks Tom and Don)
> However, aside from the "pattern" on the shields (the crystallization
> pattern of the galvanization? - on one it is much finer than the other),
> the
> size of the shields and number and placement of holes is _exactly_ the
> same.
> Any other ideas?  Perhaps they are both 'new and improved'.
> Kent VE4KEH
> s/n 2673
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