KPA100 low power on some bands

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KPA100 low power on some bands


I finished my KPA100 last night. Everything checks out ok except for low
power output from the bands that use two of the filters. 17/20 and
18/12/15. I get full power on 80 and 40 (160 untested). Less than 1W on
the affected bands - this is as indicated on the K2 LCD and also on the
test set - I've borrowed a Marconi 2955 from work.

SWR is shown as 1.0:1, which I would expect as the load is the test set.

K2 is working fine on all bands so I don't think it's a drive problem.

I haven't got into fault finding yet (it was very late last night) but,
looking at the circuit diagram, I can't see anything common between
those filters so that a single fault would cause the problem.

Is there something common to both those filters that I am missing?

Or is it more likely that I have two separate faults?

My gut feeling is to suspect the relays, but that could be because I've
already had one faulty relay on the 160 module during this build.

Any hints?

Chris VP8BKF

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Re: KPA100 low power on some bands

Thanks for the replies so far.

Further to my message below.

I had a quick look around at lunch time and the confusing thing is that
there is no apparent loss of Rx signal strength on the affected bands. I
used a cap on the end of a fly lead attached to my antenna and probed at
the antenna socket, the K2 side of the filters, the aux rf plug. I even
tried taking the aux rf lead off the K2 board and probing there and
comparing with an antenna connected directly to the K2. No obvious
changes in signal strength. Very odd!

So it seems that is only affecting Tx or is something breaking down at
higher signal levels.

Chris VP8BKF

Chris wrote:

> Hi,
> I finished my KPA100 last night. Everything checks out ok except for
> low power output from the bands that use two of the filters. 17/20 and
> 18/12/15. I get full power on 80 and 40 (160 untested). Less than 1W
> on the affected bands - this is as indicated on the K2 LCD and also on
> the test set - I've borrowed a Marconi 2955 from work.
> SWR is shown as 1.0:1, which I would expect as the load is the test set.
> K2 is working fine on all bands so I don't think it's a drive problem.
> I haven't got into fault finding yet (it was very late last night)
> but, looking at the circuit diagram, I can't see anything common
> between those filters so that a single fault would cause the problem.
> Is there something common to both those filters that I am missing?
> Or is it more likely that I have two separate faults?
> My gut feeling is to suspect the relays, but that could be because
> I've already had one faulty relay on the 160 module during this build.
> Any hints?
> Chris VP8BKF
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