I am building a KPA100 and page 41 shows res to gnd at J3 red, Q1 & Q2 collectors as >10,000 ohms Mine is 128 ohms and Gary says his is only 350 . OK The voltage chart says to check at 14v DC in and 10 watt setting or less. I get Q6 D=72v but if I turn up the power control the voltage goes to .6 where it should be. Q8 is similar on the coll I get 56 v but turning up the power brings it down to 6v (s.b. 11)
There is no output from this unit and one thing to check is T4. Am I reading this wrong . I wound T4 according to page 27 where one wire is designated 1,2 the other 3,4 but the schematich shows one as 1,3 the other as 2,4
The other voltage differenmce that I have is on U7 where pin 3 is 3.6v(s.b.14) and pins 5&6 are 0 (s.b. .68) Mayabe I have a bad IC
Any comments or suggestions. Thank you
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