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KPA500 AUX button and RJ-45

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KPA500 AUX button and RJ-45

Bruce Hammond
8 posts
Just built my KPA500 and cannot find any info in manuals about the AUX button (in band selection area just below 1.8 and to left of 5). I am guessing it is for a future band or function. Anyone know for sure?

Also, there is an RJ-45 jack at bottom of front panel at right side, aligned about where the ON button is located. Used for what?

73 de KK7EL Bruce
73 de KK7EL Bruce
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Re: KPA500 AUX button and RJ-45

Jack Brindle
240 posts
As I noted in an email to Bruce, the only current use for the AUX  
button is to tell the K3 that the button has been pushed. The K3  
firmware currently then selects the 2 meter transverter.

As on the K3, the RJ-45 is used for factory testing and development.

Jack B, W6FB

On Feb 9, 2012, at 8:22 AM, Bruce Hammond wrote:

> Just built my KPA500 and cannot find any info in manuals about the  
> *AUX*
> button (in band selection area just below *1.8* and to left of *5*).  
> I am
> guessing it is for a future band or function. Anyone know for sure?
> Also, there is an RJ-45 jack at bottom of front panel at right side,  
> aligned
> about where the *ON* button is located. Used for what?
> 73 de KK7EL Bruce
> -----
> 73 de KK7EL Bruce
> --
> View this message in context: http://elecraft.365791.n2.nabble.com/KPA500-AUX-button-and-RJ-45-tp7269725p7269725.html
> Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Re: KPA500 AUX button and RJ-45

979 posts

Jack et al,

I like the way the AUX button is set up.  I couln't resist tapping it the first
day I had the amp, and it did exactly what Jack said. :o)

KUDOs to Jack and the folks that worked on the KPA500 development.  Its a job
magnificently done.

Tom, N5GE

"The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women
submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments."
George Washington.

On Thu, 9 Feb 2012 10:13:07 -0800, Jack Brindle <[hidden email]>

>As I noted in an email to Bruce, the only current use for the AUX  
>button is to tell the K3 that the button has been pushed. The K3  
>firmware currently then selects the 2 meter transverter.
>As on the K3, the RJ-45 is used for factory testing and development.
>Jack B, W6FB

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Amateur Radio Operator N5GE