KPA500 Fan Power Connector issue

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KPA500 Fan Power Connector issue


Sorry if this has been covered before (I did search the list but could not find anything), but I cannot for the life of me get the fan power connector on the 3 pin prong on the power supply module.  

The pins were a bit bent when I got the unit but I straightned them carefully.  The connector stops about two thirds of the way down the pins.  It seems there is something in the connector itself stopping them going any further as the connector socket not used goes all the way down easily.

The picture in the assembly manual suggests the connector should go all the way to the bottom so if anyone has any suggestions I would appeciate it.

Mark ZL3AB
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Re: KPA500 Fan Power Connector issue

Hi Mark,

 I had the exact same issue. It looks like pins in the manual are probably shorter than they are in the latest kits.  I put it on 2/3rds of the way and it seemed to 'latch' in place. I finished assembling the kit and the fan was working so I figured that was good enough.

Travis K2NP
ZL3AB wrote

The [fan] connector stops about two thirds of the way down the pins.  It seems there is something in the connector itself stopping them going any further as the connector socket not used goes all the way down easily.

The picture in the assembly manual suggests the connector should go all the way to the bottom so if anyone has any suggestions I would appeciate it.

Mark ZL3AB