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KPA500 PWR ADJ Apology

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KPA500 PWR ADJ Apology

5 posts
I want to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone on the reflector
that I may have offended with my previous request for PWR ADJ numbers on
there amplifiers.
Apparently one individual thought I made my request with an arrogant
attitude and he took me to task for it. I'm sorry if I may have offended
anyone because I ask some very clear and precise questions. There was no
arrogance or malice intended in my text.
It is unfortunate that it was perceived as such by the reader. I guess
in the future I will either learn how to better butter up my questions
or ask my questions from a different venue. I just thought this would be
the most likely place to gather with most accurate information.
Thanks to all who did respond with there input to my questions on the
PWR ADJ values. I appreciate the feedback and help.

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Re: KPA500 PWR ADJ Apology

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KPA500 PWR ADJ Apology

Johnny Siu
747 posts
Hello David,
I learnt a lot from this reflector even for 'OT - off topic" subjects.  I once asked for tourist information of New York City last year.
Back to KPA500, I do find the power indication in the linear amplifer does not agree with my LP100A.  Since the difference is small, I just don't border to my any power adj for the KPA500.  Now I am waiting for the KAT500.

TNX & 73,

Johnny VR2XMC

 從︰ Gerald Manthey <[hidden email]>
收件人︰ David Poplewski <[hidden email]>
副本(CC)︰ [hidden email]
傳送日期︰ 2012年02月13日 (週一) 9:03 AM
主題︰ Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 PWR ADJ Apology
I agree! This is the most helpful reflector around. Don't let one or two
people discourage you from here. Lots of good people and knowledge on here.
On Feb 12, 2012 5:35 PM, "David Poplewski" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I want to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone on the reflector
> that I may have offended with my previous request for PWR ADJ numbers on
> there amplifiers.
> Apparently one individual thought I made my request with an arrogant
> attitude and he took me to task for it. I'm sorry if I may have offended
> anyone because I ask some very clear and precise questions. There was no
> arrogance or malice intended in my text.
> It is unfortunate that it was perceived as such by the reader. I guess
> in the future I will either learn how to better butter up my questions
> or ask my questions from a different venue. I just thought this would be
> the most likely place to gather with most accurate information.
> Thanks to all who did respond with there input to my questions on the
> PWR ADJ values. I appreciate the feedback and help.
> 73
> David
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