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2820 posts
Been loafing around some in the WPX RTTY with KPA500 running 500W.  The
higher in frequency I go, the higher the fans max out at.  I attribute
this to Planck's Law for black body radiators [my KPA500 *is* black,
after all], more energy in higher frequencies.  At least, that's my
story and I'm sticking to it.

The real bottom line is the temp never goes over 70C, and that only on
10m, and it just sits there on the desk and makes RF.  The K3/100 is
delivering about 27 +/- watts depending on band, so needless to say, it
is loafing too.  Nice combination.  A KAT500 would make it just a tad nicer.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2012 Cal QSO Party 6-7 Oct 2012
- www.cqp.org

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