KPA500 - SWR

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KPA500 - SWR


Just finished building the KPA500 and it is a beautiful piece of work...

I have an LP-100 RF Wattmeter and SteppIR 4 EL.

The LP-100 says SWR is 1.35;  the KPA500 says 1.8  (on 30 meters)...

I can adjust the SteppIR of course - but then the LP-100 reads incorrectly?

- the K3 by the way agrees with the LP-100 as to the SWR (much lower than the KPA500)

The LP-100 is located AFTER the amp - so it reads the full output power.

this holds true on all higher bands.

any suggestions please?

thanks and 73  John  VE3NFK