The four stages of fishing:
1 - I caught a fish!
2 - I caught a LOT of fish!
3 - I caught a Trophy fish!
4 - Did I bait my hook? (the Zen state has been achieved)
Now how do these relate analogically to amateur radio?
Kevin. KD5ONS
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 21:53:38 -0800, eric manning <
[hidden email]>
> Dick said:
> I like to think of DXing as the ham counterpart of fishing, and QRP as
> the counterpart of fly fishing.
> Dick, WO1I K3 911
> Yes indeed, and a contest is a kind of high-speed competitive fishing
> with catch-and-release.
> And, each competitor can decide at any moment to be either a fisherman
> [running] or a fish
> [search-and-pounce]
> Eric
> Va7DZ
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