KPA500 switching ideas with a Flex-5000A?

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KPA500 switching ideas with a Flex-5000A?

Edward R Cole

I think I understand what you want.  Let see if this states it:
1)  Flex-5000
a) output 160m-10m
b) output 6m

2)  KPA-500

3)  Two antenna:
a)  Stepr 80m - 10m
b)  Stacked 6m loops

You would like a switching system to allow either output of the
Flex-5000 to select the KPA-500, while the other output selects the
proper antenna, and the KPA-500 selects the proper antenna.

That can be accomplished with three DPDT coaxial relays such as the CX800M
($159/ea from ) $477 total

All three relays would be wired in parallel so 80m-10m is selected
for the PA or 6m is selected for the PA with the other output
connected thru to the proper antenna.

It can be done with two coaxial transfer switches but probably cost
more (KC 1420-820 from

are $275/ea. ($550 total)


Message: 35
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 00:13:43 +0000 (UTC)
From: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] KPA500 switching ideas with a Flex-5000A?
To: Elecraft List  <[hidden email]>
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I am considering getting the Elecraft KPA500 amp for use with my
Flex-5000a but need some suggestions on how to wire it to my antennas.

The KPA500 will work from 160 ? 6M and I would like to use it with
two dedicated outputs on my 5000. One is?for 6 M and the other is to
a SteppIR vertical on 80 ? 10. The problem is that the KPA500 only
has one input so I could only send one output at any one time to the KPA500.

So the question is does anyone on the list have any suggestions how I
can do the following? Most of the time the amp would be routed to the
80 ? 10 output that goes to the SteppIR vertical. But some times it
would also need to go to my stacked 6M loops. But I would like to
find a switch(s) that lets me have both anternnas active all of the
time with one port going to the amp and one going to the other
antenna that would let me switch to the alternate antenna. at any time.?

Is there any product that will do this?




73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz
EME: 50-1.1kw?, 144-1.4kw, 432-100w, 1296-60w, 3400-?
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep [hidden email]

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