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Re: KPA500

Guy, K2AV
Try a 17 watt "shoe" combined with an internal power supply in place
of the KAT3/KPA3.  73, Guy

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Edward R. Cole <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I am in the same "boat" as it were, having bought the K3/10.  If I
> were considering the KPA500 then I would be looking for 40-50w driver
> for it.  That is a 6-dB amp driven by 12w from the K3/10.  That ought
> to be simple to make.  So will K3 roll out one?  Or an entrepreneur
> ham come up with one?  Price ought to be in $125-150 bracket since no
> filtering is needed if used with the following KPA500.
> I chose another path and bought the 300w EB-27A CCI amp that requires
> 18w for full output.  MY total costs will be <$500 and I probably
> could make them for resale at $550.  Stay tuned on that later comment ;-)
> I haven't built the EB-27A, yet, but will have results on my website
> when it is done later this fall/winter.
> 73, Ed - KL7UW
> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2010 22:10:48 -0600
> From: Phil Townsend <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA500
> To: Greg <[hidden email]>
> Cc: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> So I got me a ten watt k3... I like it... It is very good. It works.
> And I'm thinking of a KPA500.
> But to run the KPA500 I gotta get the 100 watt add-on first.
> Hummmm.... Is that a deal breaker? Might be. If I don't get the
> hundred water then I can't get fully output.!.?&-?xxx
> So the true cost of the kPA500 is way more... For me with just ten
> watts. I really only want ten watts. But when I feel the need, the
> need for speed (yeah I had to say it) I would like to hit the big
> lever marked kill and blast them out of their socks.
> I would like to be able to upgrade with out the interim 100 watter.
> Yeah, I know, i won't work but I can ask those guys who sweat solder
> and cash flow and you never know they just might be able to do it.
> To me the K2 was a total mind melt...and the K3 is beyond my wildest
> dreams. Quite an upgrade from the old Heathkits I used to build... No
> disrespect meant the hotwaters and Indians that may be still lurking.
> Phil
> Santa Fe
> 73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
> ======================================
> BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz
> EME: 144-QRT*, 432-100w, 1296-QRT*, 3400-fall 2010
> DUBUS Magazine USA Rep [hidden email]
> ======================================
> *temp
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Re: KPA500

In reply to this post by wayne burdick
wayne burdick wrote
We think it's an amazing little amp, and we hope some of you will, too.

I have a K3/100 and a P3 and use a Ten Tec Centaur amp. The setup works well and is forgiving of my goofs.

I see the KPA500 as an interesting concept and would seriously consider replacing the Centaur. I suspect that the KPA500 will grow in the future to a KPA1500 based upon the advancements in PA transistors. One thing I know for sure is that whatever Wayne puts on the market will be a good value for the $.

I would like to see a power supply to power all the K3/P3/KPA500/etc. in one box. That would make the deal sweeter and enable me to get one more box out from under my desk. Also could we think about a 70cm option for the the 2M module. The satellites are calling.

Dan AB3EN  

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Re: KPA500

Tony Fegan VE3QF
In reply to this post by Joe Subich, W4TV-4

Why not stack 4 KPA500's and use a combiner!!!

        Tony Fegan VE3QF

On Fri-10-Sep-10 12:15 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
> Snip:

> The one vacant market niche - and one Elecraft appear to have avoided -
> is the US "Legal Limit" solid state segment.  There are literally
> dozens of 500 - 600 watt solid state amps and several good products
> at the 1000 W PEP level but there is nothing that covers 160 - 6
> at 1500 W CW/RTTY.

> 73,
>      ... Joe, W4TV
> On 9/10/2010 11:57 AM, Jack Brabham wrote:
>>     Lew,
>> Except for issues related to physical size, most of your rationale for
>> not producing a 2KW amp seems equally applicable to a 500W amp.
>> The K3, from a marketing perspective, played into a vacant market
>> niche.    The Japanese companies had focused on low-end, how cheap can
>> we make it radios  or over-priced bloated barges for the money is no
>> object crowd.
>> There is still nothing out there that is competitive with the K3 on a
>> price/performance basis.
>> The amp market on the other hand doesn't seem to have any vacant niches,
>> MFJ has the low end and mid-range covered and there are a herd of
>> companies duking it out over the high end market.
>> There also doesn't seem to be much technical performance differentiation
>> between the low, mid, and high end amps on the market today.     The
>> dollars/watt number for any particular brand seems to be mostly driven
>> by   how fancy a box the amp is packaged in.
>> So, I'm thinking that if Elecraft is determined to get into the amp
>> market the KPA500 will hit most of the product differentiators
>> available.   It matches the K3 appearance and size, maintains the high
>> portability factor,  and can claim some technical innovation for the
>> built-in PS.
>> Considering that the principal product differentiators are only germane
>> to K3 owners  maybe the intended market is primarily "existing K3
>> owners", rather than the general amp market.    No doubt that will be
>> where the Lion's share of the sales go in any case.
>> Maybe the next Elecraft amp will be  something more powerful with an
>> external PS but still in the K3  box, that would be interesting.
>> 73 Jack KZ5A
>> On 9/10/2010 8:57 AM, Lew Phelps K6LMP wrote:
>>> I think some of the folks who are calling for gigawatt amplifiers (ok, full legal limit...) are losing focus on one key fact:  Elecraft has prospered by making products that SOME hams want that NOBODY else makes. The K3 is a perfect example: an exquisite transceiver, quite arguably the best available at any price if you're not a fan of big boxes with big buttons. It's portable, can be expanded incrementally with modules to meet any operator's specific needs, and it's 'way up in the upper right hand corner of the value scatter graph (price on one axis, performance on the other).
>>> So, what could Elecraft bring to the 2KW amplifier market that would (a) differentiate it from the others and (b)stay within the general confines of the K3 "style", which means compact, efficient, modular expandability, and (probably) fit within the K3 form factor.
>>> You cannot build a 2KW amplifier that meets those criteria. Modular? Yes; you could make the power supply and an auto-tuner modular add-ons. Efficient? Yes. Compact? No.  K3 form factor?  Not a chance. For example, the Alpha 2KW amplifier measures 17.5w x 78.5h x 19.75d.  It weighs well over 50 lbs. It costs $5000.  There is no way to build a large-output amp that will fit within the K3 form factor. the physical size of components needed to handle that power makes it impossible.
>>> So, some on this list essentially are asking Elecraft to step outside its well-defined and highly successful approach to the market and build a "me too" legal limit amplifier that Elecraft could not meaningfully distinguish from the competition, except for the nameplate. Amplifiers are not that complex, compared to the K3. That lack of complexity is exactly why this is not a market in which Elecraft could compete successfully. There's no way to meaningfully differentiate its 2KW amp from others, except for the nameplate. Yes, they would "include" their superb customer support as a product feature. But I don't think they could bring enough differentiation from the Alpha, Tokyo Hygain, and other high end amplifiers already on the market to break into that market at a volume that would support design and production costs.
>>> The folks in Aptos DO understand the market. They are listening, and watching this dialogue. We can keep that process productive by not asking Elecraft to come out with a product that breaks the laws of physics. It's a small company, with limited design resources. Let's all encourage them to focus on new products that realistically fit within the Elecraft market niche.
>>> my 3 cents worth (inflation, you know...)
>>> Lew K6LMP
>>> On Sep 9, 2010, at 10:33 PM, Wes Stewart wrote:
>>>> Right, 500W is hardly worthwhile. Make it at least 2KW PEP.  Got to make up for the tuner and coax losses and to live on RTTY.
>>>> --- On Thu, 9/9/10, Greg<[hidden email]>    wrote:
>>>>> Free market feedback...bring back the
>>>>> 1500 watt amp!  73 de Greg-N4CC
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Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
In reply to this post by AB3EN
Let's end this thread for now. The number of posts onthe topic have clearly exceeded the normal list limit.

We appreciate the feedback and will post more info on the AMP as it gets closer to release.

Elecraft List Moderator

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Re: KPA500

Joe Subich, W4TV-4
In reply to this post by Tony Fegan VE3QF

 > Why not stack 4 KPA500's and use a combiner!!!

Why accept the cost of four separate control systems,
four sets of lowpass filters, four separate power
supplies and four cases?


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 9/10/2010 3:22 PM, Tony Fegan VE3QF wrote:

> Joe,
> Why not stack 4 KPA500's and use a combiner!!!
> 73
> Tony Fegan VE3QF
> On Fri-10-Sep-10 12:15 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
>> Snip:
>> The one vacant market niche - and one Elecraft appear to have avoided -
>> is the US "Legal Limit" solid state segment.  There are literally
>> dozens of 500 - 600 watt solid state amps and several good products
>> at the 1000 W PEP level but there is nothing that covers 160 - 6
>> at 1500 W CW/RTTY.
>> 73,
>>       ... Joe, W4TV
>> On 9/10/2010 11:57 AM, Jack Brabham wrote:
>>>      Lew,
>>> Except for issues related to physical size, most of your rationale for
>>> not producing a 2KW amp seems equally applicable to a 500W amp.
>>> The K3, from a marketing perspective, played into a vacant market
>>> niche.    The Japanese companies had focused on low-end, how cheap can
>>> we make it radios  or over-priced bloated barges for the money is no
>>> object crowd.
>>> There is still nothing out there that is competitive with the K3 on a
>>> price/performance basis.
>>> The amp market on the other hand doesn't seem to have any vacant niches,
>>> MFJ has the low end and mid-range covered and there are a herd of
>>> companies duking it out over the high end market.
>>> There also doesn't seem to be much technical performance differentiation
>>> between the low, mid, and high end amps on the market today.     The
>>> dollars/watt number for any particular brand seems to be mostly driven
>>> by   how fancy a box the amp is packaged in.
>>> So, I'm thinking that if Elecraft is determined to get into the amp
>>> market the KPA500 will hit most of the product differentiators
>>> available.   It matches the K3 appearance and size, maintains the high
>>> portability factor,  and can claim some technical innovation for the
>>> built-in PS.
>>> Considering that the principal product differentiators are only germane
>>> to K3 owners  maybe the intended market is primarily "existing K3
>>> owners", rather than the general amp market.    No doubt that will be
>>> where the Lion's share of the sales go in any case.
>>> Maybe the next Elecraft amp will be  something more powerful with an
>>> external PS but still in the K3  box, that would be interesting.
>>> 73 Jack KZ5A
>>> On 9/10/2010 8:57 AM, Lew Phelps K6LMP wrote:
>>>> I think some of the folks who are calling for gigawatt amplifiers (ok, full legal limit...) are losing focus on one key fact:  Elecraft has prospered by making products that SOME hams want that NOBODY else makes. The K3 is a perfect example: an exquisite transceiver, quite arguably the best available at any price if you're not a fan of big boxes with big buttons. It's portable, can be expanded incrementally with modules to meet any operator's specific needs, and it's 'way up in the upper right hand corner of the value scatter graph (price on one axis, performance on the other).
>>>> So, what could Elecraft bring to the 2KW amplifier market that would (a) differentiate it from the others and (b)stay within the general confines of the K3 "style", which means compact, efficient, modular expandability, and (probably) fit within the K3 form factor.
>>>> You cannot build a 2KW amplifier that meets those criteria. Modular? Yes; you could make the power supply and an auto-tuner modular add-ons. Efficient? Yes. Compact? No.  K3 form factor?  Not a chance. For example, the Alpha 2KW amplifier measures 17.5w x 78.5h x 19.75d.  It weighs well over 50 lbs. It costs $5000.  There is no way to build a large-output amp that will fit within the K3 form factor. the physical size of components needed to handle that power makes it impossible.
>>>> So, some on this list essentially are asking Elecraft to step outside its well-defined and highly successful approach to the market and build a "me too" legal limit amplifier that Elecraft could not meaningfully distinguish from the competition, except for the nameplate. Amplifiers are not that complex, compared to the K3. That lack of complexity is exactly why this is not a market in which Elecraft could compete successfully. There's no way to meaningfully differentiate its 2KW amp from others, except for the nameplate. Yes, they would "include" their superb customer support as a product feature. But I don't think they could bring enough differentiation from the Alpha, Tokyo Hygain, and other high end amplifiers already on the market to break into that market at a volume that would support design and production costs.
>>>> The folks in Aptos DO understand the market. They are listening, and watching this dialogue. We can keep that process productive by not asking Elecraft to come out with a product that breaks the laws of physics. It's a small company, with limited design resources. Let's all encourage them to focus on new products that realistically fit within the Elecraft market niche.
>>>> my 3 cents worth (inflation, you know...)
>>>> Lew K6LMP
>>>> On Sep 9, 2010, at 10:33 PM, Wes Stewart wrote:
>>>>> Right, 500W is hardly worthwhile. Make it at least 2KW PEP.  Got to make up for the tuner and coax losses and to live on RTTY.
>>>>> --- On Thu, 9/9/10, Greg<[hidden email]>     wrote:
>>>>>> Free market feedback...bring back the
>>>>>> 1500 watt amp!  73 de Greg-N4CC
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Re: KPA500

In reply to this post by wayne burdick
On Thu, 9 Sep 2010 20:20:27 -0700, Wayne Burdick <[hidden email]>


>Doug Person wrote:
>> Maybe this time they used all the input from the previous [amp]  
>> attempt
>> to refine the price point and feature set....
>> And when the KPA-500 is released, it will be based on tons of  
>> feedback.
>Couldn't have said it better myself :)

I wonder how many of you guys have thought about this?

Let's say that Elecraft prices the KPA500 160m to 6m 500 watt solid
state amp with built in power supply at $2,000:

Remember the amp has 6m capability...


Now let's look at the price of a popular 6m solid state amp:

TE Systems 05612G: $1,388
10-15 W Drive  
600 W Output
30 Amps Current Draw (@ 28v)

Astron LS 35A 28v 22A cont, 35A int $345

Investment for 6m 600w amp = $1,733.


Let's add a 500w solid state HF amp:

SG-500 $1299

Lambda EWS-1500 15V 100A Power supply $399

Investment for 500W 160 - 10m amp = $1,698


Elecraft KPA500 500w output from 160m through 6m (into one coax?) =
Desk top space requirement: K3 + KPA500 Amp. Two boxes the same size.


Comparable 500w HF and 600w 6m output into two coaxes =  $1,733 +
$1,698 = $3,431.

Desk top requirement: K3 + TE Systems Amp + Astron Power supply + SG -
500 + Lambda. Four boxes of various sizes.


Personally, I would rather have one additional box on the desktop at
around $2,000 rather than four extra boxes for $3,431.  But then, I'm
just another one of those South Central boys from Texas who may have
missed something ;0)

Tom, N5GE

K3 #806 with SUB RX, PR6,
KRC2 and K144XV
K3 #1055 with PR6 and XV432
W1, 2 W2's and other small kits

QCWA Life Member 35102

[hidden email]   

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Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
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Re: KPA500

In reply to this post by Tony Fegan VE3QF
Not true, Look at the new offering from RMItaly DLA-1000, matched pair of MRF157, $4k ouch.


--- On Fri, 9/10/10, Tony Fegan VE3QF <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Tony Fegan VE3QF <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA500
Cc: [hidden email]
Date: Friday, September 10, 2010, 12:22 PM


Why not stack 4 KPA500's and use a combiner!!!

    Tony Fegan VE3QF

On Fri-10-Sep-10 12:15 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
> Snip:

> The one vacant market niche - and one Elecraft appear to have avoided -
> is the US "Legal Limit" solid state segment.  There are literally
> dozens of 500 - 600 watt solid state amps and several good products
> at the 1000 W PEP level but there is nothing that covers 160 - 6
> at 1500 W CW/RTTY.

> 73,
>      ... Joe, W4TV
> On 9/10/2010 11:57 AM, Jack Brabham wrote:
>>     Lew,
>> Except for issues related to physical size, most of your rationale for
>> not producing a 2KW amp seems equally applicable to a 500W amp.
>> The K3, from a marketing perspective, played into a vacant market
>> niche.    The Japanese companies had focused on low-end, how cheap can
>> we make it radios  or over-priced bloated barges for the money is no
>> object crowd.
>> There is still nothing out there that is competitive with the K3 on a
>> price/performance basis.
>> The amp market on the other hand doesn't seem to have any vacant niches,
>> MFJ has the low end and mid-range covered and there are a herd of
>> companies duking it out over the high end market.
>> There also doesn't seem to be much technical performance differentiation
>> between the low, mid, and high end amps on the market today.     The
>> dollars/watt number for any particular brand seems to be mostly driven
>> by   how fancy a box the amp is packaged in.
>> So, I'm thinking that if Elecraft is determined to get into the amp
>> market the KPA500 will hit most of the product differentiators
>> available.   It matches the K3 appearance and size, maintains the high
>> portability factor,  and can claim some technical innovation for the
>> built-in PS.
>> Considering that the principal product differentiators are only germane
>> to K3 owners  maybe the intended market is primarily "existing K3
>> owners", rather than the general amp market.    No doubt that will be
>> where the Lion's share of the sales go in any case.
>> Maybe the next Elecraft amp will be  something more powerful with an
>> external PS but still in the K3  box, that would be interesting.
>> 73 Jack KZ5A
>> On 9/10/2010 8:57 AM, Lew Phelps K6LMP wrote:
>>> I think some of the folks who are calling for gigawatt amplifiers (ok, full legal limit...) are losing focus on one key fact:  Elecraft has prospered by making products that SOME hams want that NOBODY else makes. The K3 is a perfect example: an exquisite transceiver, quite arguably the best available at any price if you're not a fan of big boxes with big buttons. It's portable, can be expanded incrementally with modules to meet any operator's specific needs, and it's 'way up in the upper right hand corner of the value scatter graph (price on one axis, performance on the other).
>>> So, what could Elecraft bring to the 2KW amplifier market that would (a) differentiate it from the others and (b)stay within the general confines of the K3 "style", which means compact, efficient, modular expandability, and (probably) fit within the K3 form factor.
>>> You cannot build a 2KW amplifier that meets those criteria. Modular? Yes; you could make the power supply and an auto-tuner modular add-ons. Efficient? Yes. Compact? No.  K3 form factor?  Not a chance. For example, the Alpha 2KW amplifier measures 17.5w x 78.5h x 19.75d.  It weighs well over 50 lbs. It costs $5000.  There is no way to build a large-output amp that will fit within the K3 form factor. the physical size of components needed to handle that power makes it impossible.
>>> So, some on this list essentially are asking Elecraft to step outside its well-defined and highly successful approach to the market and build a "me too" legal limit amplifier that Elecraft could not meaningfully distinguish from the competition, except for the nameplate. Amplifiers are not that complex, compared to the K3. That lack of complexity is exactly why this is not a market in which Elecraft could compete successfully. There's no way to meaningfully differentiate its 2KW amp from others, except for the nameplate. Yes, they would "include" their superb customer support as a product feature. But I don't think they could bring enough differentiation from the Alpha, Tokyo Hygain, and other high end amplifiers already on the market to break into that market at a volume that would support design and production costs.
>>> The folks in Aptos DO understand the market. They are listening, and watching this dialogue. We can keep that process productive by not asking Elecraft to come out with a product that breaks the laws of physics. It's a small company, with limited design resources. Let's all encourage them to focus on new products that realistically fit within the Elecraft market niche.
>>> my 3 cents worth (inflation, you know...)
>>> Lew K6LMP
>>> On Sep 9, 2010, at 10:33 PM, Wes Stewart wrote:
>>>> Right, 500W is hardly worthwhile. Make it at least 2KW PEP.  Got to make up for the tuner and coax losses and to live on RTTY.
>>>> --- On Thu, 9/9/10, Greg<[hidden email]>    wrote:
>>>>> Free market feedback...bring back the
>>>>> 1500 watt amp!  73 de Greg-N4CC
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Re: RM Italy BLA 1000 (was - KPA500)

Joe Subich, W4TV-4

 > Not true, Look at the new offering from RMItaly DLA-1000, matched
 > pair of MRF157,

RM Italy's specifications are an outright fabrication.  The MRF-157
is rated for 600 W PEP ... there is no way two of them are going to
make 1500 W CW/RTTY or 1500 W PEP SSB and be clean.  Of course RM
Italy's "amplifiers" are notorious IMD generators.


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 9/10/2010 4:38 PM, Mel Farrer wrote:
> Not true, Look at the new offering from RMItaly DLA-1000, matched pair
 > of MRF157, $4k ouch.

> Mel
> --- On Fri, 9/10/10, Tony Fegan VE3QF<[hidden email]>  wrote:
> From: Tony Fegan VE3QF<[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA500
> To:
> Cc: [hidden email]
> Date: Friday, September 10, 2010, 12:22 PM
> Joe,
> Why not stack 4 KPA500's and use a combiner!!!
> 73
>      Tony Fegan VE3QF
> On Fri-10-Sep-10 12:15 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
>> Snip:
>> The one vacant market niche - and one Elecraft appear to have avoided -
>> is the US "Legal Limit" solid state segment.  There are literally
>> dozens of 500 - 600 watt solid state amps and several good products
>> at the 1000 W PEP level but there is nothing that covers 160 - 6
>> at 1500 W CW/RTTY.
>> 73,
>>        ... Joe, W4TV
>> On 9/10/2010 11:57 AM, Jack Brabham wrote:
>>>       Lew,
>>> Except for issues related to physical size, most of your rationale for
>>> not producing a 2KW amp seems equally applicable to a 500W amp.
>>> The K3, from a marketing perspective, played into a vacant market
>>> niche.    The Japanese companies had focused on low-end, how cheap can
>>> we make it radios  or over-priced bloated barges for the money is no
>>> object crowd.
>>> There is still nothing out there that is competitive with the K3 on a
>>> price/performance basis.
>>> The amp market on the other hand doesn't seem to have any vacant niches,
>>> MFJ has the low end and mid-range covered and there are a herd of
>>> companies duking it out over the high end market.
>>> There also doesn't seem to be much technical performance differentiation
>>> between the low, mid, and high end amps on the market today.     The
>>> dollars/watt number for any particular brand seems to be mostly driven
>>> by   how fancy a box the amp is packaged in.
>>> So, I'm thinking that if Elecraft is determined to get into the amp
>>> market the KPA500 will hit most of the product differentiators
>>> available.   It matches the K3 appearance and size, maintains the high
>>> portability factor,  and can claim some technical innovation for the
>>> built-in PS.
>>> Considering that the principal product differentiators are only germane
>>> to K3 owners  maybe the intended market is primarily "existing K3
>>> owners", rather than the general amp market.    No doubt that will be
>>> where the Lion's share of the sales go in any case.
>>> Maybe the next Elecraft amp will be  something more powerful with an
>>> external PS but still in the K3  box, that would be interesting.
>>> 73 Jack KZ5A
>>> On 9/10/2010 8:57 AM, Lew Phelps K6LMP wrote:
>>>> I think some of the folks who are calling for gigawatt amplifiers (ok, full legal limit...) are losing focus on one key fact:  Elecraft has prospered by making products that SOME hams want that NOBODY else makes. The K3 is a perfect example: an exquisite transceiver, quite arguably the best available at any price if you're not a fan of big boxes with big buttons. It's portable, can be expanded incrementally with modules to meet any operator's specific needs, and it's 'way up in the upper right hand corner of the value scatter graph (price on one axis, performance on the other).
>>>> So, what could Elecraft bring to the 2KW amplifier market that would (a) differentiate it from the others and (b)stay within the general confines of the K3 "style", which means compact, efficient, modular expandability, and (probably) fit within the K3 form factor.
>>>> You cannot build a 2KW amplifier that meets those criteria. Modular? Yes; you could make the power supply and an auto-tuner modular add-ons. Efficient? Yes. Compact? No.  K3 form factor?  Not a chance. For example, the Alpha 2KW amplifier measures 17.5w x 78.5h x 19.75d.  It weighs well over 50 lbs. It costs $5000.  There is no way to build a large-output amp that will fit within the K3 form factor. the physical size of components needed to handle that power makes it impossible.
>>>> So, some on this list essentially are asking Elecraft to step outside its well-defined and highly successful approach to the market and build a "me too" legal limit amplifier that Elecraft could not meaningfully distinguish from the competition, except for the nameplate. Amplifiers are not that complex, compared to the K3. That lack of complexity is exactly why this is not a market in which Elecraft could compete successfully. There's no way to meaningfully differentiate its 2KW amp from others, except for the nameplate. Yes, they would "include" their superb customer support as a product feature. But I don't think they could bring enough differentiation from the Alpha, Tokyo Hygain, and other high end amplifiers already on the market to break into that market at a volume that would support design and production costs.
>>>> The folks in Aptos DO understand the market. They are listening, and watching this dialogue. We can keep that process productive by not asking Elecraft to come out with a product that breaks the laws of physics. It's a small company, with limited design resources. Let's all encourage them to focus on new products that realistically fit within the Elecraft market niche.
>>>> my 3 cents worth (inflation, you know...)
>>>> Lew K6LMP
>>>> On Sep 9, 2010, at 10:33 PM, Wes Stewart wrote:
>>>>> Right, 500W is hardly worthwhile. Make it at least 2KW PEP.  Got to make up for the tuner and coax losses and to live on RTTY.
>>>>> --- On Thu, 9/9/10, Greg<[hidden email]>     wrote:
>>>>>> Free market feedback...bring back the
>>>>>> 1500 watt amp!  73 de Greg-N4CC
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Re: RM Italy BLA 1000 (was - KPA500)

Jack Brabham KZ5A
  Seems like one of the list regulars ran some test on a RM 200W amp
some months back, the gist of which was that it had horrible IMD at its
rated power (200W) but had typical 13.8V  IMD numbers at 100W.

So maybe it's actually a 1000W PEP amp and a some odd hundred watt CW
amp, from a company with a poor reputation and no service for $4 per
watt.   What a deal.

I think these amps are better regarded in the EU but they probably
understand how to interpret Italian advertising  than we do over here.

73 Jack KZ5A

On 9/10/2010 4:07 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

>   >  Not true, Look at the new offering from RMItaly DLA-1000, matched
>   >  pair of MRF157,
> RM Italy's specifications are an outright fabrication.  The MRF-157
> is rated for 600 W PEP ... there is no way two of them are going to
> make 1500 W CW/RTTY or 1500 W PEP SSB and be clean.  Of course RM
> Italy's "amplifiers" are notorious IMD generators.
> 73,
>      ... Joe, W4TV
> On 9/10/2010 4:38 PM, Mel Farrer wrote:
>> Not true, Look at the new offering from RMItaly DLA-1000, matched pair
>   >  of MRF157, $4k ouch.
>> Mel
>> --- On Fri, 9/10/10, Tony Fegan VE3QF<[hidden email]>   wrote:
>> From: Tony Fegan VE3QF<[hidden email]>
>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA500
>> To:
>> Cc: [hidden email]
>> Date: Friday, September 10, 2010, 12:22 PM
>> Joe,
>> Why not stack 4 KPA500's and use a combiner!!!
>> 73
>>       Tony Fegan VE3QF
>> On Fri-10-Sep-10 12:15 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
>>> Snip:
>>> The one vacant market niche - and one Elecraft appear to have avoided -
>>> is the US "Legal Limit" solid state segment.  There are literally
>>> dozens of 500 - 600 watt solid state amps and several good products
>>> at the 1000 W PEP level but there is nothing that covers 160 - 6
>>> at 1500 W CW/RTTY.
>>> 73,
>>>         ... Joe, W4TV
>>> On 9/10/2010 11:57 AM, Jack Brabham wrote:
>>>>        Lew,
>>>> Except for issues related to physical size, most of your rationale for
>>>> not producing a 2KW amp seems equally applicable to a 500W amp.
>>>> The K3, from a marketing perspective, played into a vacant market
>>>> niche.    The Japanese companies had focused on low-end, how cheap can
>>>> we make it radios  or over-priced bloated barges for the money is no
>>>> object crowd.
>>>> There is still nothing out there that is competitive with the K3 on a
>>>> price/performance basis.
>>>> The amp market on the other hand doesn't seem to have any vacant niches,
>>>> MFJ has the low end and mid-range covered and there are a herd of
>>>> companies duking it out over the high end market.
>>>> There also doesn't seem to be much technical performance differentiation
>>>> between the low, mid, and high end amps on the market today.     The
>>>> dollars/watt number for any particular brand seems to be mostly driven
>>>> by   how fancy a box the amp is packaged in.
>>>> So, I'm thinking that if Elecraft is determined to get into the amp
>>>> market the KPA500 will hit most of the product differentiators
>>>> available.   It matches the K3 appearance and size, maintains the high
>>>> portability factor,  and can claim some technical innovation for the
>>>> built-in PS.
>>>> Considering that the principal product differentiators are only germane
>>>> to K3 owners  maybe the intended market is primarily "existing K3
>>>> owners", rather than the general amp market.    No doubt that will be
>>>> where the Lion's share of the sales go in any case.
>>>> Maybe the next Elecraft amp will be  something more powerful with an
>>>> external PS but still in the K3  box, that would be interesting.
>>>> 73 Jack KZ5A
>>>> On 9/10/2010 8:57 AM, Lew Phelps K6LMP wrote:
>>>>> I think some of the folks who are calling for gigawatt amplifiers (ok, full legal limit...) are losing focus on one key fact:  Elecraft has prospered by making products that SOME hams want that NOBODY else makes. The K3 is a perfect example: an exquisite transceiver, quite arguably the best available at any price if you're not a fan of big boxes with big buttons. It's portable, can be expanded incrementally with modules to meet any operator's specific needs, and it's 'way up in the upper right hand corner of the value scatter graph (price on one axis, performance on the other).
>>>>> So, what could Elecraft bring to the 2KW amplifier market that would (a) differentiate it from the others and (b)stay within the general confines of the K3 "style", which means compact, efficient, modular expandability, and (probably) fit within the K3 form factor.
>>>>> You cannot build a 2KW amplifier that meets those criteria. Modular? Yes; you could make the power supply and an auto-tuner modular add-ons. Efficient? Yes. Compact? No.  K3 form factor?  Not a chance. For example, the Alpha 2KW amplifier measures 17.5w x 78.5h x 19.75d.  It weighs well over 50 lbs. It costs $5000.  There is no way to build a large-output amp that will fit within the K3 form factor. the physical size of components needed to handle that power makes it impossible.
>>>>> So, some on this list essentially are asking Elecraft to step outside its well-defined and highly successful approach to the market and build a "me too" legal limit amplifier that Elecraft could not meaningfully distinguish from the competition, except for the nameplate. Amplifiers are not that complex, compared to the K3. That lack of complexity is exactly why this is not a market in which Elecraft could compete successfully. There's no way to meaningfully differentiate its 2KW amp from others, except for the nameplate. Yes, they would "include" their superb customer support as a product feature. But I don't think they could bring enough differentiation from the Alpha, Tokyo Hygain, and other high end amplifiers already on the market to break into that market at a volume that would support design and production costs.
>>>>> The folks in Aptos DO understand the market. They are listening, and watching this dialogue. We can keep that process productive by not asking Elecraft to come out with a product that breaks the laws of physics. It's a small company, with limited design resources. Let's all encourage them to focus on new products that realistically fit within the Elecraft market niche.
>>>>> my 3 cents worth (inflation, you know...)
>>>>> Lew K6LMP
>>>>> On Sep 9, 2010, at 10:33 PM, Wes Stewart wrote:
>>>>>> Right, 500W is hardly worthwhile. Make it at least 2KW PEP.  Got to make up for the tuner and coax losses and to live on RTTY.
>>>>>> --- On Thu, 9/9/10, Greg<[hidden email]>      wrote:
>>>>>>> Free market feedback...bring back the
>>>>>>> 1500 watt amp!  73 de Greg-N4CC
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Re: RM Italy BLA 1000 (was - KPA500)

juergen piezo

Hi Jack

They are not "better regarded"in Europe. They have always been CB amps in the eyes of most hams.

Its mostly new hams from the CB band who like using these horrible amps. RM HF amps have terrible IMD performance especially under dynamic voice conditions.

 The  positive reviews by well meaning hams are mostly flawed because they use incorrect measurement procedures. I cant see how  any amp with -26db  pep 3rd IMD figures is something that is acceptable for a high power amp.

The dynamic on air IMD performance of these amps  when used with the typically ham transceiver causes terrible splatter. Hams who run these amps are very easy to spot with a SDR receiver.

I like others wont buy a solid state amp until the IMD performance at least matches the better tube amplifiers.

The last thing we need to do as hams is crap in our own nest just  because its modern or new!


--- On Fri, 9/10/10, Jack Brabham <[hidden email]> wrote:

> From: Jack Brabham <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] RM Italy BLA 1000 (was - KPA500)
> To: [hidden email]
> Date: Friday, September 10, 2010, 3:15 PM
>   Seems like one of the list
> regulars ran some test on a RM 200W amp
> some months back, the gist of which was that it had
> horrible IMD at its
> rated power (200W) but had typical 13.8V  IMD numbers
> at 100W.
> So maybe it's actually a 1000W PEP amp and a some odd
> hundred watt CW
> amp, from a company with a poor reputation and no service
> for $4 per
> watt.   What a deal.
> I think these amps are better regarded in the EU but they
> probably
> understand how to interpret Italian advertising  than
> we do over here.
> 73 Jack KZ5A
> On 9/10/2010 4:07 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
> >   >  Not true, Look at the new
> offering from RMItaly DLA-1000, matched
> >   >  pair of MRF157,
> >
> > RM Italy's specifications are an outright
> fabrication.  The MRF-157
> > is rated for 600 W PEP ... there is no way two of them
> are going to
> > make 1500 W CW/RTTY or 1500 W PEP SSB and be
> clean.  Of course RM
> > Italy's "amplifiers" are notorious IMD generators.
> >
> > 73,
> >
> >      ... Joe, W4TV
> >
> > On 9/10/2010 4:38 PM, Mel Farrer wrote:
> >> Not true, Look at the new offering from RMItaly
> DLA-1000, matched pair
> >   >  of MRF157, $4k ouch.
> >> Mel
> >>
> >> --- On Fri, 9/10/10, Tony Fegan VE3QF<[hidden email]>   wrote:
> >>
> >> From: Tony Fegan VE3QF<[hidden email]>
> >> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA500
> >> To:
> >> Cc: [hidden email]
> >> Date: Friday, September 10, 2010, 12:22 PM
> >>
> >> Joe,
> >>
> >> Why not stack 4 KPA500's and use a combiner!!!
> >>
> >> 73
> >>       Tony Fegan VE3QF
> >>
> >> On Fri-10-Sep-10 12:15 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV
> wrote:
> >>> Snip:
> >>> The one vacant market niche - and one Elecraft
> appear to have avoided -
> >>> is the US "Legal Limit" solid state
> segment.  There are literally
> >>> dozens of 500 - 600 watt solid state amps and
> several good products
> >>> at the 1000 W PEP level but there is nothing
> that covers 160 - 6
> >>> at 1500 W CW/RTTY.
> >>>
> >>> 73,
> >>>
> >>>         ... Joe,
> W4TV
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On 9/10/2010 11:57 AM, Jack Brabham wrote:
> >>>>        Lew,
> >>>>
> >>>> Except for issues related to physical
> size, most of your rationale for
> >>>> not producing a 2KW amp seems equally
> applicable to a 500W amp.
> >>>>
> >>>> The K3, from a marketing perspective,
> played into a vacant market
> >>>> niche.    The Japanese companies
> had focused on low-end, how cheap can
> >>>> we make it radios  or over-priced
> bloated barges for the money is no
> >>>> object crowd.
> >>>>
> >>>> There is still nothing out there that is
> competitive with the K3 on a
> >>>> price/performance basis.
> >>>>
> >>>> The amp market on the other hand doesn't
> seem to have any vacant niches,
> >>>> MFJ has the low end and mid-range covered
> and there are a herd of
> >>>> companies duking it out over the high end
> market.
> >>>>
> >>>> There also doesn't seem to be much
> technical performance differentiation
> >>>> between the low, mid, and high end amps on
> the market today.     The
> >>>> dollars/watt number for any particular
> brand seems to be mostly driven
> >>>> by   how fancy a box the
> amp is packaged in.
> >>>>
> >>>> So, I'm thinking that if Elecraft is
> determined to get into the amp
> >>>> market the KPA500 will hit most of the
> product differentiators
> >>>> available.   It matches the
> K3 appearance and size, maintains the high
> >>>> portability factor,  and can claim
> some technical innovation for the
> >>>> built-in PS.
> >>>>
> >>>> Considering that the principal product
> differentiators are only germane
> >>>> to K3 owners  maybe the intended
> market is primarily "existing K3
> >>>> owners", rather than the general amp
> market.    No doubt that will be
> >>>> where the Lion's share of the sales go in
> any case.
> >>>>
> >>>> Maybe the next Elecraft amp will be 
> something more powerful with an
> >>>> external PS but still in the K3  box,
> that would be interesting.
> >>>>
> >>>> 73 Jack KZ5A
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 9/10/2010 8:57 AM, Lew Phelps K6LMP
> wrote:
> >>>>> I think some of the folks who are
> calling for gigawatt amplifiers (ok, full legal limit...)
> are losing focus on one key fact:  Elecraft has
> prospered by making products that SOME hams want that NOBODY
> else makes. The K3 is a perfect example: an exquisite
> transceiver, quite arguably the best available at any price
> if you're not a fan of big boxes with big buttons. It's
> portable, can be expanded incrementally with modules to meet
> any operator's specific needs, and it's 'way up in the upper
> right hand corner of the value scatter graph (price on one
> axis, performance on the other).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So, what could Elecraft bring to the
> 2KW amplifier market that would (a) differentiate it from
> the others and (b)stay within the general confines of the K3
> "style", which means compact, efficient, modular
> expandability, and (probably) fit within the K3 form
> factor.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> You cannot build a 2KW amplifier that
> meets those criteria. Modular? Yes; you could make the power
> supply and an auto-tuner modular add-ons. Efficient? Yes.
> Compact? No.  K3 form factor?  Not a chance. For
> example, the Alpha 2KW amplifier measures 17.5w x 78.5h x
> 19.75d.  It weighs well over 50 lbs. It costs
> $5000.  There is no way to build a large-output amp
> that will fit within the K3 form factor. the physical size
> of components needed to handle that power makes it
> impossible.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So, some on this list essentially are
> asking Elecraft to step outside its well-defined and highly
> successful approach to the market and build a "me too" legal
> limit amplifier that Elecraft could not meaningfully
> distinguish from the competition, except for the nameplate.
> Amplifiers are not that complex, compared to the K3. That
> lack of complexity is exactly why this is not a market in
> which Elecraft could compete successfully. There's no way to
> meaningfully differentiate its 2KW amp from others, except
> for the nameplate. Yes, they would "include" their superb
> customer support as a product feature. But I don't think
> they could bring enough differentiation from the Alpha,
> Tokyo Hygain, and other high end amplifiers already on the
> market to break into that market at a volume that would
> support design and production costs.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The folks in Aptos DO understand the
> market. They are listening, and watching this dialogue. We
> can keep that process productive by not asking Elecraft to
> come out with a product that breaks the laws of physics.
> It's a small company, with limited design resources. Let's
> all encourage them to focus on new products that
> realistically fit within the Elecraft market niche.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> my 3 cents worth (inflation, you
> know...)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Lew K6LMP
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Sep 9, 2010, at 10:33 PM, Wes
> Stewart wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Right, 500W is hardly worthwhile.
> Make it at least 2KW PEP.  Got to make up for the tuner
> and coax losses and to live on RTTY.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> --- On Thu, 9/9/10, Greg<[hidden email]
>     wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Free market feedback...bring
> back the
> >>>>>>> 1500 watt amp!  73 de
> Greg-N4CC
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
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Re: KPA500

Jan Erik Holm
In reply to this post by Edward R Cole
Oh lord all mighty, save us from all IMD. This crap is already made
by RM Italy.
/ Jim
On 2010-09-10 18:59, Edward R. Cole wrote:
> ham come up with one?  Price ought to be in $125-150 bracket since no
> filtering is needed if used with the following KPA500.
> 73, Ed - KL7UW
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In reply to this post by Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
I only just found it!

Now  it is out, what is different between the KPA500 and the Tokyo High Power range of amplifiers? Auto tuner? That would be great. The KPA500 is just right for our 400W power limit incidentally - well done there.
