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Don Etters
7 posts
The KPA500 is a great Amp. but it does not like SWR over 1:5 –1 an band width seems narrow . How have you handled this with you antenna’s . Is anyone using a tuner any suggestion will be apreciated

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Re: KPA500

2820 posts
On 2/13/2012 11:51 AM, Don Etters wrote:
> The KPA500 is a great Amp. but it does not like SWR over 1:5 –1

Mine works fine up to 2:1 on most bands, although on 160, it starts to
get a little annoyed at that point.  Pretty common for "no-tune" solid
state amps.

> band width seems narrow .

Don't know what you mean by this.  My 160 antenna BW is pretty narrow
[10 KHz], 80m is better [~50 KHz] but that has nothing to do with the
KPA500, into the 1:1 dummy load, frequency doesn't matter.  The SWR seen
by the K3 looking into the KPA500 is 1:1 all over all the bands too.

How have you handled this with you
> antenna’s . Is anyone using a tuner

I use some wires multi-band, so yes, I use a tuner, especially on 30,
40, 80, and 160.  Haven't tried the antennas on 60m but probably will
after 5 Mar since CW will be allowed then.  Waiting with credit card "on
warm" for the KAT500 announcement.  Hope this helps,


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2012 Cal QSO Party 6-7 Oct 2012
- www.cqp.org

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Re: KPA500

979 posts
In reply to this post by Don Etters

Please explain what you meant by "band width seems narrow".


Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
ARRL Lifetime Member
QCWA Lifetime Member

"Only the white eyes would believe they could cut the top
off a blanket, sew it to the bottom and have a longer

-- American Indian comment about Daylight Saving Time --

On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 14:51:20 -0500, "Don Etters" <[hidden email]> wrote:

>The KPA500 is a great Amp. but it does not like SWR over 1:5 –1 an band width seems narrow . How have you handled this with you antenna’s . Is anyone using a tuner any suggestion will be apreciated

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Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
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Re: KPA500

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
2808 posts
In reply to this post by Don Etters
The KPA500 fold back point in firmware is an SWR of 2:1 at its rated
output of 500W.  (This is based on reflected power and will occur at
lower SWRs if the amp is operated above 500W) At that point it first
inserts a 3 dB input attenuator and flashes the fault LED. (This is a
soft fault.) Slightly reducing drive will reset this back to full gain.

What rig are you driving the KPA500 with?



On 2/13/2012 11:51 AM, Don Etters wrote:

> The KPA500 is a great Amp. but it does not like SWR over 1:5 –1 an band width seems narrow . How have you handled this with you antenna’s . Is anyone using a tuner any suggestion will be apreciated
> Don
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