KRC-2 kit

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KRC-2 kit

George M. Badger, III
I've built a couple of the small Elecraft kits in the past. Basically,
just stick the components on the PCB and solder.

The KRC-2 is a bit more more complex, some mechanical pieces need to be
assembled in the correct order or you get to remove them to solder in
some components. I was alerted to this because I read the assembly
manual prior to starting. Doh! The assembly was straight forward,
reminded me of the old Heathkit days except Heathkit had more assembly
sketches. I learned about cold solder joints with my first Heathkit, an
AR-2 SW RCVR I built when I was 7 YO. I had a TV repair guy go over the
radio and show me what I had done incorrectly and how to prevent them in
the future. A great resource. Plus, I got all his old radio and TV units
that were deemed unrepairable to build a parts stash.

I plugged it in and no smoke escaped. The check-out procedure was
straight forward. All A-OK.

I boxed it and sent it to its new home.

73 de W3AB/GEO
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