Those capacitor value changes will change the filter bandwidth from the
older 2.1 kHz bandwidth to the newer 2.3 kHz width - nothing but the
capacitors need be changed. That is the only change (and it is equivalent
to the KI6WX filter bandwidth mod). Yes, I do recommend it - unless you
want the slight increase in audio punch that the narrower bandwidth
provides, that may be important to you if most of your SSB operation is at
QRP levels.
> -----Original Message-----
> I have a KSB2 kit supplied about 11 months ago. The instructions
> are Revision D. I see there is a Revision E on the website. The
> only difference appears to be the lettered capacitors CA, CB etc
> in the xtal filter which have changed in value.
> Should I obtain caps of the revised value to fit or is the change
> associated with a change in the xtals spec?
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