KSB2 Toroids T2-T3

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KSB2 Toroids T2-T3

Howard W. Ashcraft
I have completed the KSB2 board and everything seems to be working OK, but I am somewhat disappointed with the look of Toroids T-2 and T-3 and am considering pulling them and rewinding.  The problem is that the toroids wound fine, but when the are installed on the board, the pc board holes are sufficiently far from the leads coming off the toroid that the windings get pulled out of shape.  Off the board, the windings have a nice interleaving of red and green wire.  On the board, the green wires partially ride over the red and some of the red wires cross over each other in order to fit the pc board.  Is there a way to do a neater job?  Should I care if it seems to tune up correctly?


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Re: KSB2 Toroids T2-T3

Don Wilhelm-2

The important thing about the transformers is the turns ratio (assuming the
primary and secondary are adequately coupled - not a problem with toroids).
So there is no reason to re-wind them other than asthetics and other
self-satisfying incentives.


----- Original Message -----

I have completed the KSB2 board and everything seems to be working OK, but I
am somewhat disappointed with the look of Toroids T-2 and T-3 and am
considering pulling them and rewinding.  The problem is that the toroids
wound fine, but when the are installed on the board, the pc board holes are
sufficiently far from the leads coming off the toroid that the windings get
pulled out of shape.  Off the board, the windings have a nice interleaving
of red and green wire.  On the board, the green wires partially ride over
the red and some of the red wires cross over each other in order to fit the
pc board.  Is there a way to do a neater job?  Should I care if it seems to
tune up correctly?

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