KTA100 probs

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KTA100 probs

Just got a KTA100 from someone on the list and have some problems. Tuning seems to progress along nicely, but always indicates SWR off the charts. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


Steve Roberts-W1SFR
Sudbury, VT

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Re: KTA100 probs

Don Wilhelm-4

Is the selected antenna port (ANT1/2) connected to a dummy load?
Set the ATU menu to CAL and try again.
Check your coax - continuity check from end to end on center conductor
and the shield.  Infinite resistance between center and shield.

If you still have problems with good coax, a dunny load and the correct
ant port selected, the most likely problem is that diodes D1 and D2 may
have taken a static hit - they are a bit "tender"


On 7/6/2012 3:45 PM, Stephen Roberts wrote:
> Just got a KTA100 from someone on the list and have some problems. Tuning seems to progress along nicely, but always indicates SWR off the charts. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
> Steve

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