KX-1 InP Hnd locks TX on

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KX-1 InP Hnd locks TX on

Michael Studer
Here are the steps I used.
1. I set my KX1 to use a hand key via menu InP => Hnd
2. I connect a hand key via a sub mini stereo plug to KX1.
3. I key TX via hand key.
4. Transmitter keys itself on and stays on until hand key is disconnected.

The KX1 keyer works fine.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Mike AB6CV
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Re: KX-1 InP Hnd locks TX on

Michael Studer
I did some experimenting.  Here are my results.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Obtain a male to male 1/8" stereo cable.  And a jumper clip cable.

2. Plug one end of stereo cable into the KX1.  Make sure KX1 is in hand key

3. On the other end of the stereo cable, short the center of a stereo plug to
the ground end.  I did this by overlaping one alligator clip over the two

4. Just tap the tip of the stereo plug to the ground lead.  (the other end of
the jumper clip).

Now the transmitter is constantly keyed on.

I think this is a bug.  It should be more forgiving when in hand input mode.  
It should ignore the RB3 signal on the MCU in hand input mode.  Only ground
and RB2 should work.  The way it is now it's like a booby trap waiting to
spring on you.  I discovered this feature on Field Day.  Much to my dismay.


Mike AB6CV

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