KX-1 relay problem??

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KX-1 relay problem??

Hello, I need some help or at least some suggestions

I bought recently a KX-1 (# 681) all ready build, but when I took it home (all accross the pond) it showed unfortunately some malfunction(s)

On TX it works well on all three bands. 1W with batteries, 3W at 13.8V. Also the ATU tunes up very well.

On RX I have low audio. Q2,3 and U4 workOK and so does the sidetone.

On 40m RX works OK  

On 30m and 20m RX however some unexplanable things are happening or actually not happening.
When I switch the KX-1 on I can hear signals clearly, however when I touch the paddles (TX)  and return to listening the RX is totally silent (only AF hiss). But when I switch the KX-1 off+on OR switch bands the signals come back.
With the ATU removed you can hear the relays K1/K2 switch bands from 40 to 30/20. In 30/20 meter however when touching one of the paddles I can hear one of the relays switch. in RX it is not switching back. Looking at the schematic the both relaycoils are parallel?
Checking the relays I found indeed that only K1 is returning to its 40m position when TX on 30/20m and it will stay there untill I switch bands or switch the radio off+on.

I am stuck... Is relay K1 faulty or may be U3 or am I overlooking something? Is the low audio related to this or a seperate issue. Before I start desoldering anything and swopping components I can do with some help. Any suggestion is appreciated.

73, Nick, PA0NCV
KX-1 # 681
K2 # 1510

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