KX1 #1499 is on the air

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KX1 #1499 is on the air

Craig Rairdin
KX1 #1499 presented no problems. I got this zen-of-elecraft thing down now
so I know to look in the serial number envelope for the thermal pad, which
saves a lot of frantic searching. (Of course the parts list says it's there,
but I don't always read that.) :-)
I initially had no output on transmit but realized my error in skipping the
step where you turn R4 fully clockwise. Duh.
FWIW my paddle kit had stranded wire rather than solid wire. Kinda tough
making those tight little connections with stranded wire but no problem
finding a couple inches of solid #24 to use in its place.
KD6LM fought the QRM to give me a 229 report and my first QSO on the KX1.
So the shack is full of Elecraft gear now. K2/100 #4941, K1 #1966, and now
KX1 #1499. That's a lot of radios for a guy who works Field Day and
Sweepstakes and little else. They're just so darn much fun to build. :-)
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