I can't believe how small it is! I've had 2M handhelds that were
bigger / heavier. Assembly was really straightforward and pretty
simple. I got the ATU and 3080 modules as well.
The only 'problem' I ran into was, after getting it all aligned and
set up on the bench, I hooked it up to my antenna and it seemed
totally deaf. Tuned around the bands and the only thing I could copy
was one faint 40M QSO between a VE2 and a W2... I couldn't copy local
80m nets, and nothing from WWV on 5, 10, or 15MHz. So I put it back
on the bench and tested everything again, it could copy the 1uV
signal from the XG2 with out any difficulty. But on the antenna,
again nothing.
It took me about 2 hours before it occured to me to actually go
outside and look... seems my random-wire came down during a
windstorm on Friday night, and I'd been testing the KX1 on the
equivalent of a 2 foot vertical. So unfortunately I haven't been
able to give the new rig an on-air test yet. The positive aspect
though, is now I have a project already lined up for next weekend!
73 de Stephanie
K2#5311 - K1#2132 - KX1 #1659
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