KX1 #2411 Sends its Sincere "Thanks" to all K3 Owners

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KX1 #2411 Sends its Sincere "Thanks" to all K3 Owners

stan levandowski
As we approach this season of good will and thanksgiving, I would like
to express my sincere thanks to all the K3 owners on this Reflector.

Your serious interest in the evolution of the magnificent Elecraft K3,
aided and abetted by this very effective communication medium called the
"Internet", has resulted in fewer K3s actually clogging up 20 meters.

As a result, guys like me who own the little KX1 are able to work some
fantastic DX on one watt and a wire.  Why just this afternoon, I snagged
EA8BVP in the Canary Islands.  He had 5 watts and a 44' doublet; I had
one watt (6 Eveready batteries) and a 25' wire.  That's 3400 miles per

Earlier today, I actually busted a pileup on top of C6AKX.   And an hour
before that I worked UR3HC who was forlornly calling "CQ" over and over
with no one answering.

I sure hope you guys spend a lot of time on the Reflector next weekend,
November 27 and 28...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Stan Levandowski WB2LQF
QRP CW: Skill, not power!
QCWA #35038   OOTC #4558   NAQCC #4740   SKCC #6488   FISTS #14992
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