KX1# 641 Finally on the Air but need help with KXAT1 Alignment and Test Help

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KX1# 641 Finally on the Air but need help with KXAT1 Alignment and Test Help

Chuck Gehring
KXAT1 Alignment and Test Help

I am not sure what I am suppose to see or do in the following steps:

Select 40 meters using KX1 BAND Switch (Done, I understand)
Connect a 50-ohm Dummy Load (Done, I understand)
Set the “ATU” parameter to “CAL” using the menu, (I think I am there.
Pressed Menu, rotated the VFO knob to “ATU”, then press and hold MENU,
rotate VFO knob to “CAL”.)

I can hear the relays click when I go between “CAL” and “TUN”, in the ATU
menu when I rotate the VFO knob.

Is that how I select or bypass the ATU?

I remained in the “ATU” “CAL” position while I adjusted the R1 and R2 as per
the KXAT1 Manual Errata sheet Rev A-2.  (The diagram was helpful, Thanks)

Then I exited the ATU menu with the ATU still left in “CAL”, set up my DMM
connected to a KX1 standoff and the “REFL” test point on the KXAT1 board.

I entered the “TUNE” mode by pressing “MENU” and “BAND” at the same time.  I
then adjusted C9 for a null (0.7vdc) monitoring the DMM using the 2-3 VDC

I repeated the process using the DMM’s 200-milli vdc scale

I went back to the ATU menu and changed it back to TUN to support normal

My question really is, should I have left the ATU in the CAL position and
exited to enter the ”TUNE” mode?

I measured the power out from the KX1 using the DL1 Dummy load test points.
It shows a very solid 4 watts.

I also installed the KXB30 meter module.  During the alignment process I got
a very positive peak from the 30A cap, but I really didn’t see much of a
response from the 30B.

Chuck Gehring

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