KX1 #669 is on the air and ready for Field Day!

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KX1 #669 is on the air and ready for Field Day!

Wayne and Eric,

After building my K2 #3218 last year and having a great time operating it ever since, I didn't think I could match the experience with another kit.  I purchased the KX1 last month from Eric at Dayton and have been building it very casually over a few weeks time.  Last night I completed the ATU and as I mounted the board onto the pre-inserted pins onto the main board I was literally **awe-struck** on how tightly packed and precisely designed this little rig is.  You guys have truly done a fantastic job with this new product.  The build went flawlessly from beginning to end, the documentation was excellent, and yes the mojo was there ... it all came back when I heard all those relays click for the first time and everything is working nicely.

I hope to work you and lots of other Elecraft operators this weekend!  I'll be operating both rigs from battery power on my deck in the lower flatlands of Ohio.  Antennas will be an OCF dipole for the K2 and probably the resonant feedline  dipole for the KX1 that was being discussed in another thread.

73  Bob KC2JAV
Goshen, OH
K2 #3218
KX1 #669

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