KX1 #978, full-throttle!

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KX1 #978, full-throttle!

Andrea Borgia

With today's additions of the KXB30 and the KXAT1, my KX1 is now
complete and, as an italian saying goes, "full like an egg".

Bottom line is, it works. Long story, I had a few scary moments today,
especially with the 30m option. My last misc notes&questions wrt the KX1


-I had a very close call with being too short on the insulated wires
from D and 5. Manual instructs builder to trim leads right after
soldering and I had to pull the pc board quite energetically to get the
trimmers to line up with the holes properly enough to be useful.
Methinks perhaps waiting until the other leads have been threaded before
trimming those two wires would be a good idea 8-)

-on a related note, why should some of the wires be bare? This is
potentially dangerous and adds some complication to building. Moreover,
someone has clearly built at least one kit with unstripped hookup wire,
see here: http://www.edcjp.jp/kit/elecraft/KX1-Photos/KXB30/

-should the bumpers actually touch the front cover or are they used just
in case? I did my best to use little solder and trim leads short, but
the bumpers do not really lie flat and I'm a little worried they might
come off someday.

-not really KXB30-related, but it came up during reassembly: I had a
nice short between Q6's collector and ground, which only existed when
the front cover was reattached. This happened because screw "ate" part
of the thermal pad and exposed the tiniest possible part of the hole
border... not tiny enough, unfortunately ;-( Solved by rearranging the
pad, only casualties were a couple of blown fuses.


-I soldered the leads for C1-C3 and C10 on top instead of bottom. I
prefer soldering on opposite side and there was, in my opinion, plenty
of clearance between the leads and the relays.

-no mention of trimming leads on blue but I guess they should be clipped
short back and sides 8-)

Ok, off to play with the little baby now 8-)


Homepage: http://andrea.borgia.bo.it     /    Amateur radio: IZ4FHT
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
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RE: KX1 #978, full-throttle!

Homepage: http://andrea.borgia.bo.it     /    Amateur radio: IZ4FHT
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

-should the bumpers actually touch the front cover or are they used just
in case? I did my best to use little solder and trim leads short, but
the bumpers do not really lie flat and I'm a little worried they might
come off someday.


I cut the rubber bumpers into halves so they could lay flat against the
board in between solder pads. I just made sure the rubber pads stood taller
than the solder connections. I, too, didn't think they would stick too long

VB72/3rds, John K7FD

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RE: KX1 #978, full-throttle!

John [N5BSD]
Hash: SHA1

A: Because people want to rehash dead horses over and over again
Q: Why are we bring the top and bottom post debate up again?

I believe Eric even said he prefers Top Posting and Top Post, saves
time as it were in reading the reply.
BTW what did the whole quote of the top post debate have to do with
the answer to the fellows question???

- -----------------------------------
Linux user #286770
Machine # 246511
- ------------------------------------
- -----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of John_K7FD
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 6:30 PM
To: 'Andrea Borgia'; [hidden email]
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] KX1 #978, full-throttle!

Homepage: http://andrea.borgia.bo.it     /    Amateur radio: IZ4FHT
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

- -should the bumpers actually touch the front cover or are they used
just in case? I did my best to use little solder and trim leads
short, but the bumpers do not really lie flat and I'm a little
worried they might come off someday.


I cut the rubber bumpers into halves so they could lay flat against
the board in between solder pads. I just made sure the rubber pads
stood taller than the solder connections. I, too, didn't think they
would stick too long either...

VB72/3rds, John K7FD

Version: PGP 8.1


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RE: Dead Horses and such

Don Wilhelm-3
OK, I will get my one lash at this dead horse.

Top posting on the reflector please - that is my not so humble opinion.
I read most all the postings here, and I can usually tell from the subject
line what went before.  It makes no sense to me that somebody's version of
'netiquette' should require me to scroll to the bottom of a reply to see
what is now being said for each and every reflector post.

Besides, all the e-mail clients that I know about put the cursor at the top
rather than at the bottom when I click 'reply'.  I might change my mind when
email clients put the cursor at the end of the text and automatically scroll
received messages to the last made entry.


> -----Original Message-----
> Hash: SHA1
> A: Because people want to rehash dead horses over and over again
> Q: Why are we bring the top and bottom post debate up again?
> I believe Eric even said he prefers Top Posting and Top Post, saves
> time as it were in reading the reply.
> BTW what did the whole quote of the top post debate have to do with
> the answer to the fellows question???

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RE: RE: Dead Horses and such

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Don, WAFER wrote:

It makes no sense to... scroll to the bottom of a reply to see what is now
being said for each and every reflector post.


I agree when the reply includes the whole previous message, or the entire
thread! Here on the E'craft reflector Eric has asked that we edit the
original post down to the bare essentials we are replying to in order to
minimize the bandwidth.


Don, W3FPR wrote:

"...all the e-mail clients that I know about put the cursor at the top
rather than at the bottom when I click 'reply'."  


True, which makes bottom-posting more work, but it seemed worthwhile to hold
down bandwidth while being crystal clear what issue(s) the reply addresses.
Especially when replying to multiple points as I have done here.

If list moderator Eric has a preference, I'll be happy to oblige. The last I
heard, he was equally happy either way as long as the replies cut out
unneeded text.



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Re: RE: Dead Horses and such

hank  k8dd-2
Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

>Don, W3FPR wrote:
>"...all the e-mail clients that I know about put the cursor at the top
>rather than at the bottom when I click 'reply'."  
Without getting into the top vs. bottom posting controversy (!!)
Mozilla Thunderbird allows you to select where the cursor
goes on a Reply or on a Reply-All - top or bottom of the quoted post.


'Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their
 level then beat you  with experience.'           -anon

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Top posting officially OK here [End of Thread]

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
In reply to this post by john_k7fd

Top posting is officially OK here. It is by far the fastest way (with
fewest scrolling key-strokes) for me to read the high volume of emails I
receive daily from the Elecraft list. Bottom posting is a killer for me.
(I'm using Mozilla Thunderbird email..)

Please, lets kill this thread for now. Address any further comments on
this topic to the list owner (me :-)

73, Eric WA6HHQ

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