KX1 Oddities... anyone experience these?

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KX1 Oddities... anyone experience these?

Paul - W8KC


Here's a copy of a question I asked the experts at Elecraft.  I also decided
to post it here just in case anyone else might have comments.

Last week I built KX1 #1003 and have noticed a couple oddities.

The center "number" of the three-digit display glows very faintly.  All
eight segments are lit.  It does not change brightness regardless of the
input voltage or setting of the LED.

The volume control needs to be *almost* fully clockwise before audio is
heard.  I only get any volume above, say, the 3 o'clock position and fully

Everything else functions as I would expect and very well I might add!


Pictures here:  http://www.w8kc.com/kx1.htm

73! =paul= W8KC -- Collector of Ten*Tecs and other fine plastics.
Visit the Virtual Ten*Tec Museum at http://mywebpages.comcast.net/w8kc
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Re: KX1 Oddities... anyone experience these?

Andrea Borgia
Paul - W8KC wrote:

> The volume control needs to be *almost* fully clockwise before audio is
> heard.  I only get any volume above, say, the 3 o'clock position and fully
> clockwise.

In my case, switching to a _stereo_plug_ headset first, then to one with
a different impedence made a dramatic difference: now I keep the volume
roughly at 10 hours and most of the time this is plenty.


Homepage: http://andrea.borgia.bo.it     /    Amateur radio: IZ4FHT
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