I had this problem with 2 KX1's that I have built...The cause of the
problem is that the countersunk hole in the front panel for the screw
that holds Q6 is a little too deep, allowing the tapered back surface of
the screw to contact the transistor's tab...I had to countersink the hole
in Q6's tab to overcome this...I have a small countersinking bit, but an
ordinary twist drill should also work...It doesn't take much to do the
job, just a little bit of material removal is all that is necessary...I
didn't use a power drill, I spun the countersink in my fingers...Hope
this helps...
Jerry, wa2dkg
>I having a bit of a problem. I've just recently completed a build of a
and everything has gone together smoothly, as usual. The problem is with
the power transistor, Q6. If I tighten the flathead screw, Q6 must be
shorting against something, as the display goes blank and the unit no
work. (if you listen closely you can even hear the crackle of the short
beginning) If I back out the screw the KX1 comes back alive!<
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