KX1 Question

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KX1 Question

KX1 # 897 is totally done -- 30m and ATU options.  Got it all calibrated
just like the book said (K2 would have been a little easier if I'd done
the KX1 first and absorbed the "Elecraft style" in the manual on a
smaller project first)  Works great, and I've apparently mastered the
paddle because I've made a number of contacts on it since last night.

One question:  The ATU remembers the settings so it apparently only
tunes once on a band/ant combination.  How do I make it "forget" (e.g.
when I change antennas on a band) so it will rematch, or do I need to?


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

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Re: KX1 Question

wayne burdick
Hi Fred,

You don't need to do this. But if you want to do it for fun, you can
connect a different load (say a 50-ohm resistor), tune up into that,
then reconnect your original antenna and tune again. Each time you can
check the L, C, and network settings in the ATU menu entry to make sure
it comes back to about the same values.

The other way to make the ATU re-tune is to take a hike and throw up an
ad-hoc antenna ;)


On Oct 27, 2004, at 3:39 PM, Fred Jensen wrote:

> KX1 # 897 is totally done -- 30m and ATU options.  Got it all
> calibrated
> just like the book said (K2 would have been a little easier if I'd done
> the KX1 first and absorbed the "Elecraft style" in the manual on a
> smaller project first)  Works great, and I've apparently mastered the
> paddle because I've made a number of contacts on it since last night.
> One question:  The ATU remembers the settings so it apparently only
> tunes once on a band/ant combination.  How do I make it "forget" (e.g.
> when I change antennas on a band) so it will rematch, or do I need to?



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