KX1 and Power Supplies

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KX1 and Power Supplies

As you probably have seen on the list, I recently completed my KX1 rig and am enjoying it very much.  It has taken over the operating spot in my modest shack.  (The Icoms are getting lonely.)

I have  been hearing very high levels of noise on 40M.  Some of them have known causes such as a dimmer light that I can just turn off.  I only finished the KX1 recently and have been blaming the noise mostly on all the Christmas lights that are on my house and the neighbors house.  I started thinking about that tonight and decided I was wrong.

I did some testing and it turns out that for some reason when I use a power supply such as the 2 Astron SS-30's or the Radio Shack PS that I have sitting here, I get a lot of noise on 40M. When I switch over to a 12V, 7Ah battery....the noise just goes away.  The difference in amazing.  On the battery the noise is almost non-existent and the CW signals just jump out at me.  On the power supplies, I can only hear the strong signals and the noise usually makes me hangup the earphones for the night.

The obvious answer is to see if there are things causing the noise via the power supplies and I will tackle that next.  I have two questions:

1.  Are there specific things I should look for that might be causing the problem?  It occurs on 40M whether I use my dipole or end fed antennas.

2. It seems to only occur on 40M.  20M is quiet whether or not I am on on the battery or PS.  (Yes....I do  hear signals on 20M!).

I guess I am wondering why the problem is prevalent on 40M.

Thanks in advance for any help.

73 de Keith KB3ILS
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