KX1 and airport security

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KX1 and airport security

Eric Ward-3
Went through 2 airports (RDU and STL) this weekend.  KX1+ ~60ft of 26 ga
wire were in a Rubbermaid container, which I took out of my carry-on and put
in bin to go through the x-ray.  One screener asked me if it was an
electronic device.  No one opened the Rubbermaid box.  I was surprised it
did not attract more attention-circuit boards, a metal box, 6 AA batteries,
a big coil of wire?!?




KX1 #670

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Re: KX1 and airport security

wayne burdick
Eric Ward wrote:

> Went through 2 airports (RDU and STL) this weekend.  KX1+ ~60ft of 26
> ga
> wire were in a Rubbermaid container, which I took out of my carry-on
> and put
> in bin to go through the x-ray.  One screener asked me if it was an
> electronic device.  No one opened the Rubbermaid box.  I was surprised
> it
> did not attract more attention-circuit boards, a metal box, 6 AA
> batteries,
> a big coil of wire?!?

Perhaps you don't match "The Profile," Eric  ;)




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RE: Re: KX1 and airport security

Gregg Lengling
Just a little over a year ago I took a trip to England and Ireland for 3
weeks.  Had the K2 in my checked luggage, and 2 HT's and a Digital SLR in my
carry-on's.  No questions or problems with the radios, however they had to
tear my carry-on apart to look at the camera.  It appears that the lenses I
had with me are what set the inspectors off.  It seems they look suspect in
the X-Ray machine as they show up like metal tubes, I guess they must look
like pipe bombs or something.  Anyhow now that I'm used to this I carry all
my camera gear in a Camera bag so it's all by itself.  They still open it
but it takes much less time.  Also remember they limit the number of
batteries (actually they don't want any loose batteries on your carry-on's),
so I put all my spare NiMh's and chargers in my checked luggage.

It's a small price to pay for the security, I don't mind it.

By the way the most thorough checks were done at the Airport in New
Jersey....Chicago's O'Hare and London's Heathrow weren't bad at all...very
quick and smooth all the way..including immigration ect.

Gregg R. Lengling, W9DHI, Retired
Administrator http://www.milwaukeehdtv.org
K2/100 S#3075 KX1 S# 57
Member:  ARRL, RSGB, RCA, WERA and ORC

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Re: Re: KX1 and airport security

In reply to this post by wayne burdick
On 7/6/04 1:41 PM, "wayne burdick" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Eric Ward wrote:
>> Went through 2 airports (RDU and STL) this weekend.  KX1+ ~60ft of 26
>> ga
>> wire were in a Rubbermaid container, which I took out of my carry-on
>> and put
>> in bin to go through the x-ray.  One screener asked me if it was an
>> electronic device.  No one opened the Rubbermaid box.  I was surprised
>> it
>> did not attract more attention-circuit boards, a metal box, 6 AA
>> batteries,
>> a big coil of wire?!?
> Perhaps you don't match "The Profile," Eric  ;)
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
> ---
> http://www.elecraft.com
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I recently took a trip and did not take my KX1 because I was concerned about
potential problems at the airports.  I would like to hear about the
experiences of others who have traveled by plane with ham equipment.

72/73,Barry J. Minsky, W2BJ ARRL, QRP ARCI #8871,
NorCal #1560, QRP-L, FISTS #2701, Century Club
#569, Platinum #51, Silver #119, FISTS CW Club of
Coastal Georgia, Knightlites, Adventure Radio
Society #359, QCWA #29298, OOTC #3723, SOC #193,
K2 #577, K1 #98, KX1, Rock Mite

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Re: KX1 and airport security

Pierre Desjardins
In reply to this post by Eric Ward-3
I will travel soon with the KX1, the antenna coils, etc

AND.. a telescopic pole for antenna setup. The key will be the policy of the airlines, and then the decision of the specific aircrafts personnel.  X-ray scans will show that it is only fiberglass, and there is no sharp point.  But because it is 46 inches long, it has the potential as a club, and may be treated the same as golf clubs, baseball bats, hockey sticks, etc.

Hoping that it won't be ''confiscated'' in some european airport I will pass trough.

Advices are welcome

VE2PID, Pierre KX1 # 442

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RE: Re: KX1 and airport security

Lyle Johnson-7
In reply to this post by W2BJ
> I recently took a trip and did not take my KX1 because I was
> concerned about potential problems at the airports.  I would
> like to hear about the experiences of others who have
> traveled by plane with ham equipment.

I took my K2 to New Zelanad earlier this year, no problem.

And last month, I helped transport an Amateur Radio Satellite as carry-on
baggage.  A raised eyebrow and a few questions, but no problems.

-Lyle KK7P

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Re: KX1 and airport security

In reply to this post by Eric Ward-3
In 2002 leaving LAX for XY3C my Kent single lever paddle caused the most
consternation.  Four different checkers eyeballed it.  Then they swabbed
samples from all around my bag for whatever it is they place in a machine
and check for.

Recently returning from T33C through LAX I watched them go through my
checked baggage where among other radio things I had 9 single band filters.
After checking 7 of them he gave up.  For checked baggage I use a hard sided
golf  bag for antennas and all manner of paraphernalia.  Except for my K2
which I carry-on in a back pack.
de Joe, aa4nn
Went through 2 airports (RDU and STL) this weekend.  KX1+ ~60ft of 26 ga
wire were in a Rubbermaid container, which I took out of my carry-on and put
in bin to go through the x-ray.  One screener asked me if it was an
electronic device.  No one opened the Rubbermaid box.  I was surprised it
did not attract more attention-circuit boards, a metal box, 6 AA batteries,
a big coil of wire?!?
KX1 #670

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Re: Re: KX1 and airport security

Rick Hampton
In reply to this post by W2BJ
Hi, guys.

I took my KX1 to Ft. Myers, FL in February.  Had nary a problem.  The
KX1 with lithium AA cells, wire antenna, counterpoise, and all
accessories were
in a Pelican case with a clear top.   My laptop and shoes got swabbed
for traces of explosives, but the radios (I also had my W32A with me)
cleared with little or no concern.

The same was NOT true when I went to park my car in an underground
garage at a large banking institutions sky scraper here in Boston while
with my
family.  In spite of the three backpacks in the back of my station
wagon, the guard froze when he saw the KX1 it it's case.  He got REALLY
excited and
began pointing at it, yelling, "WHUT ISS DAT?", over and over as he
backed away from the car.  My 14 year-old son got out of the car to see
what he
was upset over and when he tried to pick it up and show the guard it was
only a radio, the guard got even MORE excited, screaming "NO!!! LEAVE IT
'LONE!!!".  About 5 minutes later, after finally getting him calmed
down, he finally, and hurriedly, motioned us on through the checkpoint.
goodness he didn't have a firearm with him.  He probably would have
drawn it from it's holster.

After all that, he never did look at any of the backpacks, only the
KX1.  I guess the packages don't matter unless they LOOK like a bomb.
One thing
is for sure, if I DO have to go into Boston during the last week of July
when the DNC is in town, I'll leave the KX1 behind.  I may be crazy, but
not stupid!

Wayne, maybe you should stencil every KX1 with the notice, "This is NOT
a BOMB!" ;-)

Rick Hampton, WD8KEL

W2BJ wrote:

> I recently took a trip and did not take my KX1 because I was concerned about
> potential problems at the airports.  I would like to hear about the
> experiences of others who have traveled by plane with ham equipment.
> Thanks!
> 72/73,Barry J. Minsky, W2BJ ARRL, QRP ARCI #8871,
> NorCal #1560, QRP-L, FISTS #2701, Century Club
> #569, Platinum #51, Silver #119, FISTS CW Club of
> Coastal Georgia, Knightlites, Adventure Radio
> Society #359, QCWA #29298, OOTC #3723, SOC #193,
> K2 #577, K1 #98, KX1, Rock Mite
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Re: Re: KX1 and airport security

Jay Rutherford
In reply to this post by Pierre Desjardins

I have learned that all long and/or sharp items should go in checked
baggage. Also, I leave time when going through security so I can go
back down to the ticket counters and check something that security is
concerned about, if need be.

I am amazed that I have seldom been questioned about my carry-on
contents. I always take great quantities of wires, batteries, radios,
connectors, and other items, and I've never been asked about any of it.

Bon voyage! 73 de Jay K1UC

Pierre Desjardins wrote:

> I will travel soon with the KX1, the antenna coils, etc
> AND.. a telescopic pole for antenna setup. The key will be the policy of the airlines, and then the decision of the specific aircrafts personnel.  X-ray scans will show that it is only fiberglass, and there is no sharp point.  But because it is 46 inches long, it has the potential as a club, and may be treated the same as golf clubs, baseball bats, hockey sticks, etc.
> Hoping that it won't be ''confiscated'' in some european airport I will pass trough.
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Re: KX1 and airport security

Bob Nielsen
In reply to this post by Eric Ward-3
I took my K2 to London in May in a carry-on bag.  On the departure,
after running it through the X-Ray machine, they took the bag and ran it
by some sort of scanner without opening it.  No problem and it attracted
zero attention on the return flight as well as when boarding the
Eurostar train for a trip to France through the "chunnel".  My
accessories and MP-1 vertical were in checked luggage which apparently
was not opened.

Bob, N7XY
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RE: Re: KX1 and airport security

In reply to this post by Eric Ward-3
> He got REALLY excited and began pointing at it, yelling,
> "WHUT ISS DAT?", over and over as he backed away
> from the car.  My 14 year-old son got out of the car to
> see what he was upset over and when he tried to pick
> it up and show the guard it was only a radio, the guard
> got even MORE excited, screaming "NO!!! LEAVE IT
> 'LONE!!!".  About 5 minutes later, after finally getting
> him calmed down, he finally, and hurriedly, motioned us
> on through the checkpoint. Thank goodness he didn't
> have a firearm with him.  He probably would have
> drawn it from it's holster.

Rick, this is such an amazing and incredible story. I think maybe the guard has seen too many James Bond films, no?

But this thread also points out that many, many people have stories like this. I won't even go into the time that I took my little QRP rig through LAX (years before 9/11), was held up going through X-ray, had my briefcase and shaving kit dumped out on the table, with a guard hunched over staring at my rig for several minutes and then finally shrugging pathetically and saying, "Voices come out of this thing?"

Nor will I recount, as I sat waiting at the gate afterward still burning over the incident that spilled my toothpaste-pills-allligator clips all over the floor, the over three minutes that it took someone to show up when a security door leading to the tarmac was opened and left opened as the ear-splitting alarm rang, without ceasing, for all of those three or four minutes. Plenty of time for someone to run out to the aircraft and plant a bomb and run back. They sure took their time responding to that.

But a QRP rig?? Now THAT'S dangerous enough to detain someone over!!

Al  W6LX

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Re: Re: KX1 and airport security

Rick Hampton
Hi, Al.

In my case, the guy was clearly only a parking attendant who was told to check the trunks of cars for anything unusual.  Airport security screeners before 9/11 weren't much better and neither was their xray equipment, when they actually had something that worked.

For everyone, I think the take-away is that the better trained the security screeners, the less likely you will be to have problems.  I've got some really funny, off-topic, pre-9/11 stories involving ignorant screeners, x-ray dosimetry badges, and ionization chambers to calibrate x-ray generators.  Since TSA took over, I've not had ANY problems getting anything through the checkpoints that wasn't on the banned list.  I had to turn my HT on once to let them hear the squelch noise and let them rummage
through a backpack to look at a small Maglight, but that's been the total of the insults I've had since that awful day.

Some things should go without saying, but some people need it said anyway.  The screeners are only trying to do a job they feel is very important.  Treat them nicely and with respect.  If you're taking a bunch of electronics, plan ahead and take out ANYTHING that looks like it might be on the banned items list.  Show up a little earlier so the screeners can rummage through your stuff if the image on the baggage scanner makes something look worrisome.  Should they ask any questions, answer them nicely,
offer to explain anything they don't understand, and thank them for their time when they clear you and all your stuff.  If, like one bozo I saw, you loose your cool when a screener takes away your pen-knife and you yell, "Give that back!  It's ONLY a pen-knife!  It's NOT like it's a BOMB, or anything!!!" expect to be ushered to a small, windowless room by six people with hands on their weapons, where you will wait until well AFTER your flight leaves the ground before you are released.

I think if you use common sense, you can take any of your radio equipment onboard with you without much hassle.

Rick Hampton, WD8KEL

[hidden email] wrote:

> > He got REALLY excited and began pointing at it, yelling,
> > "WHUT ISS DAT?", over and over as he backed away
> > from the car.  My 14 year-old son got out of the car to
> > see what he was upset over and when he tried to pick
> > it up and show the guard it was only a radio, the guard
> > got even MORE excited, screaming "NO!!! LEAVE IT
> > 'LONE!!!".  About 5 minutes later, after finally getting
> > him calmed down, he finally, and hurriedly, motioned us
> > on through the checkpoint. Thank goodness he didn't
> > have a firearm with him.  He probably would have
> > drawn it from it's holster.
> Rick, this is such an amazing and incredible story. I think maybe the guard has seen too many James Bond films, no?
> But this thread also points out that many, many people have stories like this. I won't even go into the time that I took my little QRP rig through LAX (years before 9/11), was held up going through X-ray, had my briefcase and shaving kit dumped out on the table, with a guard hunched over staring at my rig for several minutes and then finally shrugging pathetically and saying, "Voices come out of this thing?"

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Re: Re: KX1 and airport security

In reply to this post by Eric Ward-3
"Hi-tech rays to aid terror fight"
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/3833275.stm . Perhaps this will
improve the situation. I just hope for the sake of frequent flyers that
someone has thoroughly tested the radiological effects of these terahertz
waves on the human body.

I think I'll stay at home.

Julian, G4ILO. (RSGB, ARRL, G-QRP, K2 #392)
G4ILO's Shack: http://www.qsl.net/g4ilo

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