KX1 and strange bug in firmware

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KX1 and strange bug in firmware


Yesterday, I was building my KX1, and I was at the "test phase and alignment
part 2". I tough that I was something wrong with my keyer.... But hopefully
I found this message on the reflector.... I forgot to read the errata that
came with the KX1 telling exactly this strange behavior. Ouf !!! ;-)
Everything is OK.... I copied CW last night on this little rig !!!!

So people.... Be sure to READ all manual errata that come with your kit
before building... ;-)


I just reproduced the problem you described below. It's actually even more
complicated: it only happens when STP=700 *and* the LED brightness and
pitch are both set above certain levels. This is a firmware problem related
how the KX1's microcontroller multiplexes the LED.

The workaround in all cases is to set STP no higher than 690 Hz, as you have
discovered. I'll add a note to the manual errata sheet, and we'll correct
problem in a future firmware revision.


K2 #4130 / KX1 #999

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