OK, folks, I'm working on my KX1 and am complete through Part II.
I'm through the section in Part II dealing with the sidetone, and found that
my unit has VERY weak audio. With the AF level at 12 oclock, I can't even
hear the sidetone at all. I'm not too worried yet - I haven't peaked the
receiver yet, so it might just be a feature rather than a bug. However, a
quick trip down "archive lane" pointed out something I wasn't aware of -
that received audio levels are greatly a feature of the earbud sensitivity
(which makes sense, but I didn't think it mattered that much.)
Since I don't have a clue how sensitive my Sony earbuds are, can someone
suggest a good model/source for earphones with a high (108dB/mW)
..and I reserve the right to write back in a few days if the problem with
audio continues... :^)
Regards and 72 DE V73/KF4BAL
Richard Perry
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