I ordered a kx1 a few months back intending on getting into the hobby. Now it appears that I will not be able to start this project. The kit is in perfect condition, in the original sealed bags. It includes the following:
---------------------Order Summary-------------------------
Item Subtotal: $529.80
Sales Tax: $39.58
Shipping Cost: $16.10
GRAND TOTAL: $585.48
-----------------Individual Item Breakdown-----------------
Item Ref. Price ea. Qty. Description
KX1 $299.95 1 Ultra Portable CW Xcvr.
KXAT1 $89.95 1 Internal ATU for the KX1
KXB3080 $69.95 1 30/80 m Adapter for KX1
KXPD1 $69.95 1 Plug-in Keyer Paddle for KX1
I will sell this for $450
Tim Nichols