Thanks for all the replies, on and off the net, I decided to try the RS
overbrand of the Koss "Plug" since they were only $20 and RS is close,
before heading for an online purchase. Really bigggg difference! Only
one of the several types of cushions supplied with it didn't really fit,
so I have some spares. Strong signals are now actually a little too
loud with the AF gain full on (very little is 'too loud' for me so this
is a really good deal).
The K2 and KX1 just continue to be more and more fun.
CU all in the NA Sprint tomorrow night. There's an NCCC sponsored
practice tonight (Fri 2/11) ... 1830 - 1900 PST (2/12 0230Z - 0300Z) if
you're interested. All the recommended frequencies and all are
welcome. Be careful of the RTTY, WPX is going on too.
Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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