KX1 internal battery

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KX1 internal battery


Just to be sure.... May I leave my standard Alkaline AA batteries inside de
KX1 while using external DC supply ???

I think the KX1 is not acting the same manner as a K2 when you use external
supply !?!?


K2 #4130 / KX1 #999

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Re: KX1 internal battery

Many people answer yes, and you say no..... who is right ???

>> In a message dated 1/22/2005 7:46:59 AM Pacific Standard Time,
>> [hidden email] writes:
>> Just to be sure.... May I leave my standard Alkaline AA batteries
>> inside de
>> KX1 while using external DC supply ???

> NO! (Assuming you mean "leave the batteries connected to the radio")
> When the batteries are in the holder AND the holder is connected to
> the radio,
> any external source is connected to the radio AND to the internal
> batteries.
> That might not be good for the internal batteries if they are the
> alkaline type OR
> the rechargeable type and the wrong voltage is applied. When using an
> external
> source usually of 12v or 13.8v, I disconnect the little plug from the
> battery tray
> to the radio. In the archives is a mod which automatically disconnects
> the
> internal batteries when a plug is inserted into the side of the KX1.
> Geoff, K6TFZ

Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
Elecraft K2 #4130 / KX1 #999

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RE: KX1 internal battery

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Leave the batteries in.

The KX1 is specifically designed to have the internal batteries in place
while it is being powered from an external source.

If you refer to the schematic diagram (Appendix B), diodes D2 and D3 (upper
right corner of the schematic) isolate the battery supply from the internal
supply, so no voltage is applied to the battery pack when an external supply
is used. Also, if you shut off the external supply, the diodes prevent the
supply from draining the internal batteries.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Jean-François Ménard
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 2:01 PM
Cc: Elecraft - Maling List
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX1 internal battery

Many people answer yes, and you say no..... who is right ???

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