KX1 need help on last step

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KX1 need help on last step

I'm running the final step... the transmit test....

I put my Elecraft 50 Omhs DL... on TX... no output.

I checked all the DC voltage on RX and TX...

On RX I noted,

D3 anode only 3.6 VDC instead of 9.0 VDC
Q2 d=1.08 VDC instead of 4.45 VDC
Q3 d=1.08 VDC instead of 4.45 VDC

Any idea !?!?!?

Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
Elecraft K2 #4130 / KX1 #999

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Re: KX1 need help on last step


Le 05-01-20, à 20:37, Jean-François Ménard a écrit :

> Again,
> Using my Elecraft dummy load with my MM set on DC on DL terminal, and
> also using the formula that come with the Elecraft DL
> I have 2.56W on 20M and 3.38W on 40M.... is it normal... !?!?!?
> Probably no !?!?, I redo all my toroids perfectly this time !!
> Le 05-01-20, à 19:52, [hidden email] a écrit :
>> I think only one bar shows on keydown unless you have the ATU
>> installed...
>> Are you using an external wattmeter and it shows nothing?
>> John K7FD
>>> From: Jean-François Ménard <[hidden email]>
>>> Date: 2005/01/21 Fri AM 12:17:37 GMT
>>> To: Elecraft - Maling List <[hidden email]>
>>> Subject: [Elecraft] KX1 need help on last step
>>> I'm running the final step... the transmit test....
>>> I put my Elecraft 50 Omhs DL... on TX... no output.
>>> I checked all the DC voltage on RX and TX...
>>> On RX I noted,
>>> D3 anode only 3.6 VDC instead of 9.0 VDC
>>> Q2 d=1.08 VDC instead of 4.45 VDC
>>> Q3 d=1.08 VDC instead of 4.45 VDC
>>> Any idea !?!?!?
>>> ===========================
>>> Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
>>> Elecraft K2 #4130 / KX1 #999
>>> http://homepage.mac.com/jfmenard
>>> ===========================
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>>> Elecraft mailing list
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> ===========================
> Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
> Elecraft K2 #4130 / KX1 #999
> http://homepage.mac.com/jfmenard
> ===========================
Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
Elecraft K2 #4130 / KX1 #999


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