KX1/pm on FYBO

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KX1/pm on FYBO

i made 26 Q's with guys who have the best receivers in the world...
i got some 5NN's and some 22N's....
There was 2 inches of snow still on the ground and the temp was 35F
near Cripple Creek, CO.
i had my KX1 feeding a 10 foot whip in my rear pocket, 3W,
operating while hiking along. My new 'Cuff Log' worked very well.
The sun was out and it was nice, but my Boots did get Frozen.
Send request for pix.
Paul  w0rw/pm

Here is my list of super stations on 20 CW:
W6MU  Phil
W5KDJ Wayne
W7GB   Don
W2APF/1  Thaire
NK9G  Rick
AA1MY Seab
K7NWS  Phil
AF4LQ  Mike
W1PID lost
W7MRG  Mike
W7PAU  Mike
WW6D  Doug
WW7LW  Rick
K5GQ  Mark
WA5HDL  Steve
AC6KD  Pete
WA5ZNU  Leigh
VA6RF  Earl
KC2AFK  Dave
ED7Y  Ed
and the following on 20  SSB/pm
K9JRI Mike
K6STS  Doug
WW7LW  Adam
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Re: KX1/pm on FYBO

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
Thank you for the contact!

You had a good signal -- about 539 -- but there were people with "bad"
receivers who kept QRMing you.  I was using my K2 and a 33ft wire
directly fed on two fishing poles (14 and 22ft) on 40 and 15 and a 16ft
wire on the 14ft pole on 40, and a wire or two on the ground, powered
with the K5OOR PowerPak.  We were at SLAC on a 250ft hill at the mini-FD
organized by FARS http://www.fars.k6ya.org .

There were about 50 people, and many luminaries present, those familiar
to this list including Wayne N6KR of Elecraft, Budd W3FF and Chris of
Buddipole, Vern WB6MMA of Superantennas, Bonnie KQ6XA and Oliver KB6BA
of HFPack, and many others.  Quite a few OMs and YLs had K2s and KX1s
(some had both).  There were new toys to see, such as surplus solar
panels (now sold out), and prototypes or homebrew equipment of all
stripes.  And Wayne dispensed some much-needed free advice to a few of
us with Elecraft questions.

73 es CU AGN,
Leigh WA5ZNU

On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 8:05 am, [hidden email] wrote:
> Here is my list of super stations on 20 CW:
> WA5ZNU  Leigh
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