KX1 relays switching

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KX1 relays switching

Hello Elecraft users,

I have a KX1 with the options 30 m and tuner. the question is? Changing the bands from 40m to 30m, I can hear the relays switching. By changing the band from 30m to 20m, I can not hear the relays switching but 20m is Ok. and everything works fine. By changing from 20m to 40m, I can hear the relays switching. The questions is ? is that normale that by changing the bands from 30m to 20m no relays switching....????

Many thanks and Vy 73


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Re: KX1 relays switching

wayne burdick

On Jun 13, 2004, at 10:27 AM, Wim van der Zwan wrote:

> Hello Elecraft users,
> I have a KX1 with the options 30 m and tuner. the question is?
> Changing the bands from 40m to 30m, I can hear the relays switching.
> By changing the band from 30m to 20m, I can not hear the relays
> switching but 20m is Ok. and everything works fine. By changing from
> 20m to 40m, I can hear the relays switching. The questions is ? is
> that normale that by changing the bands from 30m to 20m no relays
> switching....????

This is correct, Wim.  30 meters uses the 20 meter relay settings. The
30-meter band-pass filters are switched in using PIN diodes.


> ---


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Re: Re: KX1 relays switching

Don Nesbitt
Humm - when I have the ATU in the "tun" position (yes, it's lowercase on
mine)  I hear the relay click each time I go from band to band including the
jump from 30 to 20 - BUT - when I have the ATU in the "CAL" position, it
does not "click" when going from 30 to 20 as described but does "click" on
the other jumps. All seems to work correctly in both "tun" and "CAL."  Is
there something wrong here?  --don n4hh

----- Original Message -----
From: "wayne burdick" <[hidden email]>
To: "Wim van der Zwan" <[hidden email]>

> On Jun 13, 2004, at 10:27 AM, Wim van der Zwan wrote:
> > Hello Elecraft users,
> >
> > I have a KX1 with the options 30 m and tuner. the question is?
> > Changing the bands from 40m to 30m, I can hear the relays switching.
> > By changing the band from 30m to 20m, I can not hear the relays
> > switching but 20m is Ok. and everything works fine. By changing from
> > 20m to 40m, I can hear the relays switching. The questions is ? is
> > that normale that by changing the bands from 30m to 20m no relays
> > switching....????
> This is correct, Wim.  30 meters uses the 20 meter relay settings. The
> 30-meter band-pass filters are switched in using PIN diodes.
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR

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