Hallo Elecrafters,
last afternoon I went through KX1 receiver alignment but the results
were disappointing.
Not having a signal generator, I connected the KX1 to my W3DZZ.
By turning the capacitance trimmers, I could peak band noise, but
could barely hear the strongest signal on the bands, although I could
hear several good signals on both 20 and 40m when switching to my K1,
which should have about the same sensitivity.
Checked L1 and L2 with a DVM: both were < 1ohm; tried to inject a
signal into the path from the antenna jack to CA/L6/R1/CB/L7 by
touching with a wire and couldn't find any interruption.
Voltages on the pins of U4,U5,U6, Q2/Q3 agree with the manual.
I measured the voltage on the base of Q7 and found -0.4V, which is
funny as R28 is floating (R26 not in place yet) and I can't understand
why it should have a negative voltage.
Anybody out there who had the same problem or could give me a hint?
Any suggestion is welcome.
Tnx es 73
de Pier, IK1RDN
K2 s/n 4104
K1 s/n 1975
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