Thanks to all who answered my last KX1 question.
I have the base unit completed and was going through final alignment and
tests and have a problem. General symptoms are low power output (1.5 W)
and very rough tone on 40M, slightly better tone but low power also on
20M. I have opened a support case with Elecraft and they have been
working with me, but thought I would enlist wisdom of the list.
I have done all testing on a 12V gelcell putting out about 12.5V
RX is great. Nice tone, good sensitivity.
I went through the troubleshooting in the manual. Have this data and
86: Some of the voltages on Q4 and Q5 look a little off
Q4 E: .3
B: 1.0
C: 3.3
Q5 E: 2.2
B: 3.3
C: 12.24
I checked the values on all the components in the driver.
Any ideas would be appreciated..
72 de Tim KD7JZ
Tim Hodges <
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