KX2 External battery question:

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KX2 External battery question:

Geoffrey Feldman
No - the KXBC2 is not suitable for the Bioenno BLF-1203W, you should use the
charger sold by Bioenno for this purpose. Bioenno products are LiFePo, a
different kind of LiOn Chemistry than the Elecraft ones.  The Bioenno
charger will work for all the higher AH batteries they sell that have the DC
Barrel connector. (I think that's up to 12AH).  That Bioenno charger
provides 15V 2A until the battery voltage reaches a certain level and then
to a trickle charge level of .2A.   I highly recommend 12AH battery for QRP
use as well as field charging an HT.  They are pricey to start but they
provide 12V or better for the entire AH rating and are intended for 1000 or
more full charge/discharge cycles.  The life cycle cost is therefore lower
than other batteries.  I get a full 15W from my KX3 with the 12AH3.


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