[KX2] MFJ-1840T Whip Counterpoise Adjustment

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[KX2] MFJ-1840T Whip Counterpoise Adjustment

I've read some prior posts but don't quite see what I'm after. I'll use a MFJ-1840T 40m Whip on my KX2 in HT format, and have a 30ft length of 18g stranded copper wire with the min-banana plug soldered to it to use as a counterpoise. I have some 20g wire on order - with Radio Shack all but gone there is no "local" for such bits and pieces anymore :-(

The MFJ manual says 25'9" counterpoise length for bottom of band, which is off from the 1/4WL for 40m of 33'5". I assume the 25'9" is based on experimental data?

Based on the 1/4WL calculation there is about 1'5" counterpoise length difference top-to-bottom on the 40m band, so I'm figuring that might be up to 26'2" for the MFJ-1840T Whip.

What's a good way to start long and adjust shorter as needed - can I just coil the excess length?
