KX3 #535 is on the air!!

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KX3 #535 is on the air!!

Richard  A. Robbins
Received my KX3 late yesterday afternoon.  Spent the morning putting it together.  Just made ssb contacts into Hungary and Venezuela with 10 watts using my TH6 beam from North Carolina.  My kit was missing one stand off for the battery assembly but I went ahead without it.  Also had some problems with the battery wires being difficult to place within the limited space but finally put everything together and it fired up on the first try.  The only other two areas I was a bit concerned about was the bnc connector with a very short wire and the ATU unit which just barely made contact with board below.  As I said though it is up and running.  Will call Elecraft Monday for the missing standoff.

Great job Elecraft!  Audio is outstanding and the receiver is very quiet.  Looking forward to having lots of fun running qrp.

73, Richard