[KX3] Assembly completed and working; thanks for the help

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[KX3] Assembly completed and working; thanks for the help

Bernard Wills
Thanks to the Elecraft personnel, particularly Ron as editor, who took the time to check my concerns about a few minor errors in the Rev C assembly manual. I wanted to have all parts sorted and on hand before proceeding but was held up by inconsistent dimensions of M-F standoffs on the CP board.

I had been supplied with Rev A assembly manual. Rev C was posted while I was held up and I followed this version on the computer screen during assembly in the past couple of days.

All proceeded very smoothly after Ron's reply and it was a great feeling yesterday when the KX3 powered up for the first time. Currently I'm listening on 40m SSB.

The corrections have since been posted as Errata Rev C1-2 dated 29 June.

I've dusted off my old Kenwood DM-81 dip meter this morning and will try using it as a signal generator to calibrate the KXFL3. I won't connect it directly, just a loose coupling to the KX3.

First job today is a tour of the menus, and perhaps a firmware update.


Bernie. VK2BLW.
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