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KX3 Transverters

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KX3 Transverters

Hi All,

I'm glad (for some of you) that a 2 meter transverter will eventually be
available for the KX3.  In my view, however, only having 2 meters really
doesn't accomplish that much.  Yes, 2 meters probably still is the most
significant VHF/UHF band, but it seems to me that 440 has become nearly
equal, and even more important in some areas.  I don't know how much you can
cram into the KX3, but unless I could get both 2 meters and 440 combined, it
would still mean I have to have an alternative for those bands--it's like
getting half a loaf.  A dual band HT does that for me.  If I need an HT for
440, I might as well use it for 2 meters as well, and skip the transverter.
The trade-off, of course, is not being able to utilize all modes.

More and more, both here locally and as I travel around a bit, I find that
440 has become quite preferential in many places.  I'm not that much into
VHF/UHF anyway, so it's easy for me to be a bit blasé' about it.
Nonetheless, it just seems to me that most folks who are serious about these
bands, are probably serious about both of them (if not more), and thus are
apt to have some sort of all mode multi-band VHF/UHF rig for that purpose.
If you are primarily just an "FM'er" on those bands, as I tend to be, then
maybe you will see my point.  I can certainly see some benefit of having 2
meters built into the KX3, at hamfests, or operating mobile, etc., but I can
do all I need to do with a simple dual bander, or tri-bander, many of which
are available for less than the cost of a transverter.

The purpose of this post is not to be critical of the KX3 accessory
plans--not at all!  However, I guess I hope it might be food for thought to
the folks in Watsonville about seriously considering whether or not they can
expand the KX3 beyond just 2 meters.  If they can, that's pretty amazing!
Wayne hinted it might be something they may consider, but he was very
cautious about the possibility.  I'm just expressing my view as to why it
might make sense, if it's possible at all.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: KX3 Transverters

Jessie Oberreuter-2


      Many of us looking for 2m in the rig are not really expecting to use
the KX3 as a QRP rig w/ built in 2m HT.  Rather, we expect to use it as
the centerpiece of a portable VHF+ weak-signal station where the native 6
and 2 can be fed directly to amps, 10m can be used to drive UHF
transverters, and 2m can be used to drive microwave transverters.
      My primary contest radio is a QRP K2.  I used to borrow the home K3's
stack of transverters for VHF+ contests, but I grew tired of the hassle,
and for the past few years, I've been using a less capable, but
considerably simpler dedicated 2m solution.  With a 2m capable KX3, I'll
have one tiny rig that I can use for HF in the field, as my dedicated 2m
or 144/222 master when multi-op, and as a 6&2 mountain-topper (for which I
currently back-pack MFJ adventure radios). The KX3 w/ 2m is going to
radically simplify my packing and setup!
      You can also now appreciate why I was so interested in having 2m and
the internal ATU at the same time: one radio, one configuration, ready for
any style of field operation at any time!  And the baked in digital modes
are pure gravy!  -kb7psg

On Fri, 30 Dec 2011, Dyarnes wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm glad (for some of you) that a 2 meter transverter will eventually be
> available for the KX3.  In my view, however, only having 2 meters really
> doesn't accomplish that much.  Yes, 2 meters probably still is the most
> significant VHF/UHF band, but it seems to me that 440 has become nearly
> equal, and even more important in some areas.
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Re: KX3 Transverters

Jim Low man
In reply to this post by w7aqk
The greater LA area is somewhat unique in that there is probably less
usage on 440 than other parts of the country.  Most of the repeaters on that
band are closed or private.  That's a fact, not a criticism.  I've yet
to assemble
and put up my antenna to give it a go on SSB.  Glad that I kept my
FT-847 all
these years, with its higher power out on that band.

73 de Jim - AD6CW

On 12/30/2011 4:14 PM, Dyarnes wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm glad (for some of you) that a 2 meter transverter will eventually be
> available for the KX3.  In my view, however, only having 2 meters really
> doesn't accomplish that much.  Yes, 2 meters probably still is the most
> significant VHF/UHF band, but it seems to me that 440 has become nearly
> equal, and even more important in some areas.  I don't know how much you can
> cram into the KX3, but unless I could get both 2 meters and 440 combined, it
> would still mean I have to have an alternative for those bands--it's like
> getting half a loaf.  A dual band HT does that for me.  If I need an HT for
> 440, I might as well use it for 2 meters as well, and skip the transverter.
> The trade-off, of course, is not being able to utilize all modes.
> More and more, both here locally and as I travel around a bit, I find that
> 440 has become quite preferential in many places.  I'm not that much into
> VHF/UHF anyway, so it's easy for me to be a bit blasé' about it.
> Nonetheless, it just seems to me that most folks who are serious about these
> bands, are probably serious about both of them (if not more), and thus are
> apt to have some sort of all mode multi-band VHF/UHF rig for that purpose.
> If you are primarily just an "FM'er" on those bands, as I tend to be, then
> maybe you will see my point.  I can certainly see some benefit of having 2
> meters built into the KX3, at hamfests, or operating mobile, etc., but I can
> do all I need to do with a simple dual bander, or tri-bander, many of which
> are available for less than the cost of a transverter.
> The purpose of this post is not to be critical of the KX3 accessory
> plans--not at all!  However, I guess I hope it might be food for thought to
> the folks in Watsonville about seriously considering whether or not they can
> expand the KX3 beyond just 2 meters.  If they can, that's pretty amazing!
> Wayne hinted it might be something they may consider, but he was very
> cautious about the possibility.  I'm just expressing my view as to why it
> might make sense, if it's possible at all.
> Dave W7AQK
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